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富含蛋白质,还含有糖原和甜菜碱。Rich in protein, also contains glycogen and betaine.

洗发后使用GPB蛋白平衡护发素。Follow with GPB Glycogen Protein Balancing Conditioner.

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动物被杀后,肝糖元分解为葡萄糖。After the animal is killed, glycogen falls apart into glucose.

饲料糖越高鱼体内糖原含量越高。Glycogen increased with increasing of dietary carbohydrate level.

当体内糖含量低,身心的能量会迅速下降。When glycogen levels get low, mental and physical energy will drop.

按葡萄糖氧化酶法测血糖,按苯酚-硫酸法测肝糖元含量。Blood glucose and liver glycogen were measured by GOD method and phenol_su.

实验结束后取肝脏测定糖原含量和葡萄糖激酶活性。The content of liver glycogen and the activity of liver glucokinase were studied.

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葡萄糖和肝糖原的胞内作用在四个地方被严格控制。The intracellular use of glucose and glycogen is tightly regulated at four points.

还有糖原颗粒、脂滴和色素颗粒等包含体分布于细胞内。Inclusions such as glycogen particles, lipid droplets, and pigments may be present.

再次是肌肉中的糖原分解为葡萄糖进人血液。Is once more in muscle's glycogen decomposes for the glucose enters the person blood.

糖原主要分布于实质组织,尤以吸盘部位为最丰富。Glycogen was mainly located in parenchymal tissues and was extremely rich in the suckers.

当糖原用完之后,脂肪的分解可以产生葡萄糖。After the glycogen reserve is used up, glucose can be obtained from the breakdown of fats.

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肝细胞呈现蛋白酶活性,另有贮存糖原和脂肪等功能。The hepatocytes showed activity of proteinase, and the function of storing glycogen and fat.

训练之后立即摄入碳水化合物可以加速糖原补充和肌肉恢复。Consuming carbohydrates right after training can speed glycogen repletion and muscle recovery.

并对不同发育期蚜虫总蛋白质和总糖原含量进行了测定。Total contents of protein and glycogen in A. craccivora of different stages were also assayed.

当缺乏碳水化合物是,糖原的分解产生葡萄糖。In the absence of dietary sugars and carbohydrates, it is obtained from the breakdown of glycogen.

生理生化指标观察包括测定肝糖原含量和全血乳酸含量两项。Physical-biochemical indexes include hepatic glycogen content and lactic acid content in full blood.

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断奶越早,仔猪十二指肠腺及肠腺糖原阳性反应较弱。The earlier the weaning, the weaker the glycogen positive reaction of brunner's gland and enteraden.

而影响组织嗜碱系细胞分化,糖元较鸡红细胞快。Influencing differentiation of histobasophils series, glycogen is more rapid than chicken red blood cell.

糖原,在有氧运动过程中,被分解成葡萄糖。由于它的存在,脂肪代谢开始。During aerobic exercise, glycogen is broken down into glucose. In its absence, fat metabolism is initiated.