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任何答案如有更改,敬请新保单持有人在旁签署。Any changes should be initialed by New Policyholder.

任何答案如有更改,敬请保单持有人在旁签署。Any changes should be initialed by the Policyholder.

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个人保险客户必须拥有保险利益。The individual policyholder must have an insurable interest.

保险费是保险人的收入来源,支付保费是投保人的基本义务。It is the obligation of every policyholder to pay the premium.

遭受损失的投保人向保险公司提出索赔。A policyholder who suffers a loss files a claim with the insurance company.

但是如果投保人是抵押权人时,情况又有所不同。But when the policyholder is mortgages people, the situation should be different.

作为终身寿险的一种,它为投保人的保费提供了灵活性It's a whole life policy that gives the policyholder flexibility over the insurance premiums.

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为了获得所需的覆盖水平,投保人支付的时间约定期限溢价。To obtain the level of cover required, the policyholder pays a premium for an agreed period of time.

所有超出保险金额以外之急救医疗费用概由保单持有人自行负责支付。The part of emergency medical expenses that exceeds the sum insured will be borne by the Policyholder.

作为保单处理流程的一部分,每位预期的客户都被要求进行高血压检查。As part of the underwriting process for insurance, each prospective policyholder is tested for high blood pressure.

但是既然抵押权人是有保险利益的,他作为投保人的同时也是被保险人。But since mortgages people have insurance benefits, he will be policyholder when he is insured people at the same time.

赔偿申请一经核准,赔偿金额将会以支票形式支付予保单持有人。Please note that if the above claim application is approved, the claim payment will be paid by cheque to the Policyholder.

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与谨慎开车的投保人相比,一位有大量超速罚单的潜在投保人很可能死于运动创伤。A prospective policyholder with numerous speeding tickets is more likely than a safer driver to end up with a sports injury.

倘若在发放有关资料时可能导致的损失、损害或要求赔偿,保单持有人将必须负上全部的赔偿责任。The Policyholder will fully indemnify the Company for any losses, damages, or claims that might result from the release of such information.

婚姻离婚保险“婚姻保护锁”是一种给婚姻不幸福的投保人离婚后赔偿的新型意外保险。WedLock, as it's coyly named, is a new type of casualty insurance that gives the unhappily married policyholder a payout after he or she is unhitched.

保险公司需要从投保人收集资金,支付预期的损失和花费以及分红。Premiums are the amount of money the insurer needs to collect from the policyholder in order to cover the expected losses, expenses, and a provision for profit.

在惨案发生的前两天,有消息说,朱军前往当地的保险公司修改了他的保单,“本来,朱军是投保人,他的前妻是受益人”,消息称,“朱军把受益人和投保人都改为了他的前妻”。"Originally, Zhu was the policyholder and his ex-wife the beneficiary, " the source said. "Zhu changed the policy to make his ex-wife both the beneficiary and policyholder."

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如果预期投保人没有答复数不清问题和可能不会进行体格检查,保险公司不会卖给他生命或医疗保险。An insurance company would not underwrite a life or medical policy without having the prospective policyholder answer numerous questions and possibly take a physical examination.

有种保单叫做"可变寿险",作为终身寿险的一种,投保人可以自主选择,在终身寿险上进行多少投资There's something called "variable life," which refers to a life insurance policy where the policyholder can make decisions about the investment of the money in the whole life policy.

保险合同的有利解释原则,是出于保护在缔约过程中处于弱势地位的保险相对人的利益而产生的。The rule of favorable interpretation to policyholder is designed to protect the benefit of insurance counterpart, who is considered to be at a disadvantage in contracting with insurers.