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我可以借用你的电话打个电话给锁匠吗?May I borrow your phone to call a locksmith?

早知如此,我宁愿做个锁匠。If I had only known, I would have been a locksmith.

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哦。那你就只好打电话找锁匠了。Oh. Well then, you're going to have to call a locksmith.

靠,我被锁在我的店铺外面了。我是个锁匠。Today, I locked myself out of my own shop. And I'm a locksmith.

我把钥匙锁在汽车里了,所以得叫修锁的人来打开车门。I forgot the keys inside the car so I had to call the locksmith.

或许他曾经参与过一场战争,或许她曾经是个锁匠,有无限可能。Maybe she used to be a locksmith. The possibilities are endless.

我上班已经迟到半小时,却还得去找锁匠第三次。I was a half hour late to work and had to go to the locksmith for a third time.

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那个锁头有些问题,我会马上给锁匠打电话。We have been having trouble with that lock. I will call a locksmith right away.

一名老练的锁匠只要看一眼原物就可以复制出许多类型的钥匙。A skilled locksmith can duplicate many types of keys just by looking at the original.

我用螺丝刀和钳子忙活了半天也白搭,于是决定打个电话向锁匠铺求助。After resorting in vain to screwdrivers and pliers, I decided to call a locksmith shop.

他们被捕了,供认盗窃地毯,就被关进牢里。小炉匠不等审讯就死了。They confessed all and were put in prison, where the locksmith died while awaiting the trial.

使用关键切割机,钻,锯,缓冲区和磨床,主要仪表和锁匠工具。Use key cutting machines, drills, saws, buffers and grinders, key gauges and locksmith tools.

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愤怒的餐馆店主显然把事情想得太个人了,而锁匠并没有那样子想。The angry diner owner clearly took things very personally, in a way that the locksmith didn't.

根据警方周密调查,最后锁定犯罪嫌疑人张某和一名开锁匠。Thorough investigation of the police, finally locking suspects Zhang, and a locksmith to open.

扎巴是布宜诺斯艾利斯一个偏远小镇上的一名锁匠。Zapa is a locksmith in a quiet and little town lost somewhere in the province of Buenos Aires.

无论是否盗窃到财物,张某每次都给开锁匠500元开锁费。Whether or theft to the property and Zhang have all been a locksmith to open 500 unlocking fee.

钻孔是锁匠最常用于撬开保险柜和拆除锁芯的常用方法。Drilling is the most popular method of destructive safecracking and removal of locks by a locksmith.

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回菲音斯与嘉琳对话,告知柯涕的处境,嘉琳要求玩家去打听锁匠的情报。Back to Veins & talk to Karyn, tell him what happen to Little Curdie. Karyn will ask player to get information of locksmith.

只是莫名其妙就这样了,”Collins说,“现在能请你让看门人或者开锁匠或者用其他方法把我从这儿弄出去好吗?”I just do it somehow, " Collins said. "Now can you please call the janitor or a locksmith or do something to get me out of here

一个锁匠可以打开放在交易窗口里的上锁的箱子,附魔师也可以对交易窗口里的一些物品进行附魔。A locksmith can open locked boxes placed in the trade screen. Enchanters can also enchant some items that are in the trade screen.