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营销是现在的时髦词汇。E-marketing is the current buzzword.

BuzzWord在设计上是一个惊人的成就。BuzzWord is a stunning achievement in design.

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宭生物多样性是里约热内卢地球峰会上的时髦词儿。Biodiversity was the buzzword of the Rio Earth Summit.

这一现象有个流行的行话叫“杂波”。The popular buzzword for this phenomenon is "clutter."

对于工商业界来说,08年最时髦的词是“可持续发展”。For business, the buzzword of 2008 was “sustainability”.

虚拟化目前是计算机界的一个热门词汇。Virtualization is a current buzzword in the computer industry.

“美国衰落”已经替代“美国强盛”成为政府的流行语.Decline, not American ascendance, is the administration’s buzzword.

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“数码化”是眼下很时髦的通信技术用语。Digital is the buzzword of the moment in communications technology.

满足用户体验要比满足其他花里胡哨的兼容性重要得多。Meeting user expectations is far more important than buzzword compliance.

一到感恩节,色氨酸象漂亮的口号,人人都知道。Everyone knows tryptophan as a buzzword you hear a lot around Thanksgiving.

最近几年,虚拟化渐渐成为了行业的新宠。In recent years the term virtualization has become the industry’s newest buzzword.

关键是不要盲目的追随这些时髦的词汇或者加入抨击这种流行词汇的游戏中。The key is not to be buzzword compliant or to join the trendy game of buzzword bashing.

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高盛公司杜撰出来的华尔街新词是怎样在国际事务上成为一个强大集团的呢?How did a Wall Street buzzword coined by Goldman Sachs become a powerful new bloc in world affairs?

这是一个可爱的观点术语,价格比鲍勃席勒认为他们应该会更高。It's a lovely buzzword for a view that prices are higher than Bob Schiller thinks they ought to be.

方教授认为,越来越多的西方创新型经济体却秉承亚里士多德的格言——“吾爱吾师,吾尤爱真理。”"Innovation" has become a national buzzword "I love my teacher Plato greatly, but I love truth more.

Coletta和Staley为InfoQ.com提供了Buzzword产品的特征和架构的概况Coletta and Staley provided an overview of the Buzzword product, features, and architecture

在书呆子这词儿被发明前我就是个书呆子了,哥们儿从五年级开始就参加国际象棋锦标赛,一直玩到高中。But I was a nerd when it wasn’t a buzzword yet. I played tournament chess from fifth grade up into high school.

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既然可持续发展都成了单词中主要的流行语了,怎么还保持这种混乱的拼写呢?How is it possible to sustain such chaos, now that sustainable has become the chief buzzword in our vocabulary?

我认为这些是从“符合玄妙术语”类型的思考模式中产生的极其不可取的想法。I believe that these are extremely bad ideas that arise mostly out of a "buzzword compliance" style of thinking.

“同志”,一个用来表示“同事”的词汇,如今却有了新的涵义——同性恋者。Tongzhi, the buzzword that used to mean “comrade”, now has taken on a new connotation, referring to homosexuals.