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他住在外科病房。He is in the surgical ward.

他蹑着脚走出病房。He tiptoed out of the ward.

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接入点映射与蓝牙技术。Ward riving and blue tooth.

走出独孤皇后的病房。Out of the queen dugus ward.

一个有30个床位的产科病房。A maternity ward with 30 beds.

一个可以避邪的戒指嗯?。A ring to ward off the demons, eh?

我是这病房的护土长。I'm the nurse in chage of this ward.

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据说是为了避邪。It is said to ward off evil spirits.

这件饰品能避邪。The charm can ward off evil spirits.

华德太太问。"What do you mean?" Mrs. Ward asked.

这个病房由陈大夫负责。This ward is in the charge of Dr Chen.

在病房里什么事都有可能发生。Anything could have happened in a ward.

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他挥起手臂挡开这一拳。He flung up an arm to ward off the blow.

我们应该展望未来。We should look for ward to the futurity.

请把我的心在你的钢胸里押下Prison my heart in thy steel bosom's ward

据说戴香布囊可以驱除邪气呢。They are said to be able to ward off evil.

这个病人被抬到了隔离病房。The patient was taken to the isolation ward.

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原因嘛,我想这要归功于我的数学老师--沃兹先生。Why? I attribute it to the teacher Mr. Ward.

我们需要和支会记录员协调吗?Do we need to co-ordinate with the ward clerk?

第一间,盛着我们的爱和恨。First, we took to Han's ward of love and hate.