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里斯本变成了一个大的转运站。Thus Lisbon became a big transfer post.

LLH现在坐落在里斯本的历史最悠久的地区。LLH now sits in the most historic area of Lisbon.

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2010年峰会于11月19日至20日在葡萄牙首都里斯本举行。The 2010 summit was held in Lisbon November 19–20.

里斯本政府坚决拒绝接受这个看法。The Lisbon government has staunchly rejected that view.

在里斯本的一个最古老和最有名的法多的房子。One of the oldest and most famous fado houses in Lisbon.

她在里约居住了10年之后迁居到里斯本去了。After dwelling in Rio for ten years, she moved to Lisbon.

然后我们雇了辆车去了葡萄牙的里斯本。Then we hired a car and drove over to Lisbon in Portugal.

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请听本台记者艾莉森·罗伯特为您从里斯本发回的报道。Our correspondent in Lisbon Allison Roberts was watching the match.

里斯本条约旨在加快欧盟的决策进程。The Lisbon Treaty is intended to speed up decision-making in the E.

维拉维索萨继续参观公爵宫,回到里斯本。Continue to Vila Vicosa to visit the Ducal palace and return to Lisbon.

而这两项议题均被提到欧盟首脑会议议程的首要位置。Both issues, Lisbon and global warming, are at the top of the EU's agenda.

布拉格被评为物价最低城市,其次是布达佩斯和里斯本。Prague was elected the best bargain city, followed by Budapest and Lisbon.

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对比之下,此次全民公投中有41个选区投票支持条约。By contrast in this referendum 41 constituencies have voted to endorse Lisbon.

波尔图葡萄牙西北部一城市,位于里斯本北部,杜罗河口附近。A city of northwest Portugal near the mouth of the Douro River north of Lisbon.

切尔西主教练穆里尼奥正在关注里斯本竞技边锋蒂亚戈-平托。Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho is keeping tabs on Sporting Lisbon winger Tiago Pinto.

北约峰会定于今明两日在葡萄牙首都里斯本举行。NATO summit scheduled two-day today and tomorrow in the Portuguese capital Lisbon.

在“里斯本丸”事件全程中,只有这3名英军俘虏逃脱日军之手。Only these 3 British POWs escaped from Japanese in Lisbon Maru's sinking incident.

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CAIS的坐落在做Sodré,它是在里斯本的爱尔兰酒吧的代表之一。Located in Cais do Sodré, it is one of the representatives of Irish pubs in Lisbon.

阿葡萄牙旅游几乎总是通过里斯本和阿法玛区的游客。A Portugal tour almost always takes visitors through Lisbon and the Alfama district.

目前的关键在于默克尔坚持要修订里斯本条约。A big sticking point will be Merkel's insistence on renegotiating the Lisbon treaty.