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就影响面来说,这样的税消除拥挤带来的净成本。To the extent effective, the tax would eliminate the deadweight cost of congestion.

这就表明消费者将面临更高的价格,从而会导致净福利损失。This suggests that consumers will face a higher price, leading to a deadweight welfare loss.

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而后悬架系统在轻载荷下较之重载荷时具有较高的支承频率。Rear suspension system under light load has higher supporting frequency than under deadweight.

再度原地撑起伊崔格的重量,提里奥转身看了接连发生的屠杀最后一眼。Hefting Eitrigg's deadweight up once more, Tirion turned to take a last look at the ensuing carnage.

随着桥梁跨度的增加,减轻上部结构的自重成为十分重要的问题。With the increase of bridge span, it is of crucial importance to decrease the deadweight of the superstructure.

如果增税或降低政府收入可以降低福利成本,这种资源转移实际上将造成福利水平下降。If raising taxes or lowering government revenues has deadweight welfare costs, this transfer is actually welfare-reducing.

为此,如何减轻大型集装箱装卸桥的自重,如何优化它的动态特性,就成为该领域研究的热点。So, how to lighten its deadweight and how to optimize its dynamicspeciality become a hotspot in the research of this domain.

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即使在潘多拉较小的引力作用下,在另外一个身体里渡过了令人兴奋的几个小时后,他的人类躯体还是感觉死沉死沉的。Even in the lesser gravity of Pandora, his human body feels like a deadweight after his exhilarating hours in the other body.

然而,这种说法是建立在预先假设政府不会干预市场和生产或驱使成本上涨的基础上。However, such an argument presupposes that government does not interfere in markets and production or force up deadweight costs.

应使用结实的板条加固,以保证给木箱提供足够的强度,承受起在搬运期间可能遭受到的大载重量。Substantial battens shall be used to provide a case sufficiently robust to withstand the deadweight of contents during handling.

青海钾肥厂地基承载力低,最大限度地减轻结构自重是确保厂房建成的关键因素之一。Poor boring ability of the pound foundation of Qinghai Potash Plant requires minimization of structure deadweight of plant buildings.

介绍了承受土压力和自重共同作用的大直径混凝土肋管的实验应力分析。This paper describes the experimental stress analysis of rib concrete pipe under the combained action of soil, pressure and deadweight.

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张拉整体理论上可以做到非常大的跨度,并且随着结构跨度的增大,其单位面积自重和造价的增加并不大。Tensegrity structure can achieve very large span in theory and the unite area deadweight cost doesn't increase much when the span increases.

延迟的成本是额外的损失,然而,高价可能仅仅是对售卖方的财富转移,并能为供给的增加提供资金支持。The cost of delay is a deadweight loss, whereas a higher price would be merely a wealth transfer to the sellers and would finance an increase in supply.

为解决车厢内部存储空间及结构自重与整车机动灵活性之间的矛盾,对某新型器材配送车内部结构进行优化设计。The aim of the optimization design is to solve the contradiction between inner storage space of van body and structure deadweight and maneuverability of vehicle.

以女性的个体之躯负载历史重负,女性的情欲困境、精神感受遮蔽在民族、国家、历史命运变迁沉浮的沧桑图景背后。And burden historical deadweight with women's body, whose ardor jam and spiritual taste are shaded behind the prospect of nation, state and history up and down fluxion.

本规格书是用来描述16500DWT远洋航行的成品油轮的设计、建造和装备的。The intent of this specification is to describe the design, construction and equipment of an ocean-going Product Chemical oil Tanker with the deadweight of about 16,500 tons.

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依照寻租理论中的塔洛克模型,垄断的社会成本包括垄断造成的社会福利净损失和垄断利润。According to the Tullock model in the theory of rent-seeking, the social cost of industry administration monopoly includes deadweight social welfare loss and monopoly profits.

计算中考虑了温度荷载、自重、静水压力、混凝土徐变和自生体积变形等情况。In the computation of stress field, the factors, such as temperature load, deadweight of concrete, water potential, creep stress and self expansion of concrete, are involved in the program.

成桥索力主要与恒载有关,同时边跨预应力引起的内力重分布以及混凝土的收缩徐变都会对成桥索力产生影响。The final hanger force is mostly related to deadweight of the girder, and affected by the internal force redistribution caused by prestressing reinforcements, shrinkage and creep of concrete.