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此时将显示关于模式的介绍信息。Introductory information about patterns is displayed.

忘记了开场白真使我窘迫。Forgetting the introductory remarks really mortified me.

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这本书有一章关于森林的很好的序篇。This book includes a good introductory chapter on forests.

更多的信息,可以查看下面的介绍视频。For more information, check out our introductory video below.

你本不能在入门阶段,接触到这些东西的。You would never touch these things at the introductory level.

感谢您在百忙之中抽出时间阅读这封自荐信!Thank you for taking the time to read this introductory letter!

你需要修一门为非理科专业学生而设的好的入门课程。What you need a good introductory course for non-science majors.

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我认为这是比介绍海合会范例文章足够了。I think it is more than enough for introductory gcc example post.

你需要修一门为非理科专业学生而设的好的入门课程。What you need is a good introductory course for non-science majors.

头两篇提供入门性的和背景性的材料。The first two chapters provide introductory and background material.

大多数同学已经学习过这门介绍性的课程。Most of the students have already been through the introductory course.

前言概括了整个文件的精神。The sense of the whole document is governed by the introductory clause.

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而且我喜欢会计学。本科的时候我上了一门入门会计课程,And I like it. I took an introductory Accounting course in the undergrad

这是对德里达关于中心的想法的介绍。This then is an introductory moment in Derrida's thinking about centers.

不过,这个主题超出了本文的介绍范围。However, that topic is outside of the introductory scope of this article.

与此同时,你应该阅读你的语法指南介绍。In conjunction with this you should read your introductory grammar guide.

对于此介绍性样例,此时您不需要添加任何其他内容。For this introductory sample, you will not add anything else at this time.

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斟酌再三之后,本人有必要对上文段落作出小小澄清。On second thoughts, that introductory paragraph needs a little clarification.

是研习政治哲学,最佳的入门文章,为何?This is the best introductory text to ? the study of Political Philosophy. Why?

他温和的引导语调变成了足球教练在开场前激励性讲话的语调。His gentle introductory tone modulates into a football coach's pregame pep talk.