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好战的态度无法赢得这种尊重。This respect cannot be earned through belligerence.

她的日益增长的好战性使她和她的老朋友们疏远了。Her increasing belligerence alienated her from her old friends.

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他的野蛮好斗的名声纯系神话。His reputation for savagery and belligerence is nothing but a myth.

中国国内的各种问题也是其强硬姿态的诱因。China's manifold domestic problems are another cause of China's belligerence.

多年来,金正日的立场一直在好战与和解之间摇摆,捉摸不定。For years, Kim has veered unpredictably between belligerence and conciliation.

WTO体系矛盾的斗争性和同一性是WTO体系矛盾的基本属性和基本关系。Belligerence and identity are basic attributes and relations of the WTO system.

它也会避免干涉经济生长的军事挑衅行为。It will also want to avoid military belligerence that interferes in economic growth.

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普京虽厌恶1990年代的俄国,但他自己恰恰是那个时代的缩影。Mr Putin, despite his belligerence about the 1990s, is the very epitome of that period.

我的问题里没有丝毫敌意。我只是好奇他为什么特别拿我做对象?。There was no belligerence in my question. I was only curious as to why it was me in particular.

中国的好战本性只会增加韩国对美国军事力量的依赖性。China’s belligerence serves only to reinforce South Korea’s dependence on the American military.

平壤的好战提供了一个从根本上吸引北京加盟的机会。Pyongyang's belligerence provides an opportunity to fundamentally attract Beijing to the allies' position.

但华盛顿方面已表示,朝鲜必须首先结束其好战的状态,并履行在前几轮会谈中做出的承诺。But Washington has said Pyongyang must first end its belligerence and make good on pledges from previous rounds of talks.

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美国人要开始奋战了,为了自己的文明,还有向特朗普这种寻常中的挑衅争斗问出“为什么”的权利。Americans are going to have to fight for their civilization and the right to ask why against the banal belligerence of Trump.

让我们再一次重温过去,那就是强硬而不好战。“不好战”的意思是指我们不会以暴抗暴。Again, we turn to the past of firmness, but no belligerence, and by no belligerence I mean that we do not answer insult by insult.

2010年9月,日中两国卷入冲突,一艘中国拖网渔船撞上了日本海岸警卫队的一艘舰船。Japan bore the brunt of Chinese belligerence in September 2010, when a Chinese fishing trawler rammed one of its coast guard boats.

观察员认为朝鲜今年前8个月以来的挑衅是因为朝鲜政权的最高领导人似乎会突然一病不起。They attribute the belligerence in the first eight months of this year to a regime whose top leadership seemed suddenly vulnerable.

这是他们历经无数次大战,即使与云横昆曾经的正面交战从未感觉到的。This is that they experience successively many wars, even now and cloud horizontal Kun the front side belligerence ever have never felt.

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北韩必须明白,对邻国的好战行径及与国际社会的对抗是虚弱而非力量的表现。North Korea must understand that belligerence towards its neighbors and defiance of the international community are signs of weakness, not strength.

菲律宾和越南等国一方面愿意和中国进行商务往来,一方面又认为中国好战,感到担忧。Nations such as the Philippines and Vietnam are simultaneously attracted by Chinese commerce and concerned by what they consider Chinese belligerence.

四年后的斯德哥尔摩奥运会好戏连台,使得1908年奥运会的喧嚣烟消云散,瑞典为矛盾重重的奥运会提供了一个秩序井然,令人愉快的场所。The belligerence of 1908 was replaced with benevolence four years later, as Sweden provided a well-organized and pleasant haven for the troubled Games.