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她来了,没有任何人陪着她。She came without anyone accompanying her.

防空炮是首要打击目标。Engage accompanying air-defense guns first.

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今天我会陪您参观。I'll be accompanying you on your tour today.

信外随带书籍一包。Accompanying the letter is a parcel of books.

他喝酒的时候喜欢拿牛筋当下酒菜。He likes accompanying wine with beef tendons.

河泊是沿途的风景。The river bank is the scenery accompanying me.

另外程咬金夫妇亦随行。Another path bit golden couple also accompanying.

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甾孤単街灯陪伴硪的夜晚里。Lining at night accompanying in lonly street lamp.

吴邦国委员长的其他陪同人员同机抵达。Other accompanying officials arrived by the same plane.

经常伴随鲨鱼和蝠鲼游动的远洋小鱼。Small pelagic fish often accompanying sharks or mantas.

那天,艾迪陪着德诺的妈妈回家。That day, accompanying Denau Eddie's mother to go home.

大家俱是一愣,循声望去。Everyone's accompanying is one Leng and follow reputation.

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怨曲伴着雨儿在灰色的小巷中飘荡。Sad song flows in the gray lane, accompanying by the rain.

却让那些满身劣质香水味的女娃作陪?The ladies smelling of poor perfume are accompanying them.

陪我的是一位高先生,他是医院院长。Accompanying me was a Mr. Kao, the Director of the hospital.

我在北京,陪同我侄女去参加学校面试。I was in Beijing, accompanying my niece to school interviews.

山半随盆地发育而形成。The mountain was formed accompanying the basin's development.

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承前启后与时偕行。把人类艺术之花。With the accompanying ChengQianQiHou. The flower of human art.

根据附后的评论说,这些消息并不都是坏的。The news isn't all bad, according to an accompanying editorial.

电脑桌挨着床,有一把扶手椅陪伴。Beside the bed is a computer desk with an accompanying armchair.