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在动物体上试验。Testing in Animals.

我们正在测试什么?What are we testing?

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什么是单元测试?What is unit testing?

我只是考考你。I was just testing you.

我们需要的是测试。What we need is testing.

您喜欢考别人吗?You like testing people?

我怎样才能进行测试?How can I do the testing?

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测试费需要的费用。Testing fee need to be cost.

眼图和面具测试。Eye diagrams and mask testing.

我开始参加不同课目的免修考试。I began testing out of classes.

将Procs用于Case相等性测试Procs for Case Equality Testing

没有动物测试,不含防腐剂。No animal testing. Paraben Free.

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周强坐进驾驶室试新车。Zhou Qiang is testing a new car.

不蕴含毒素,无动物试验。Free Of Toxins and animal testing.

我们要在沃尔玛设检测点么?Should we have testing in Wal-Mart?

因此,让我们走上系统测试。So let's move o­nto system testing.

单元测试和契约式设计Unit testing and Design by Contract

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施给考试的压力过多了吗?Is too much weight given to testing?

很彰彰,更多的测试需要推行…Obviously! more testing wlike order.

其时他们在考试一件新武器。They were testing a new weapon then.