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这些书远非一次性的海滩读物。These books may be far from a throwaway beach read.

对他来说这只是随口说说而已,她却很生气。She was very upset at what to him was just a throwaway remark.

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走到大街上,总会有人塞给你大量的免费垃圾推销广告。On the street, you will find lots of free, throwaway handbills.

当坦尼娅质问他这一点时,他给了她一个随意带过的答复。When Tanya challenged him about this he gave her a throwaway reply.

事实上,快时尚已经培育出了一代即抛型服饰的拥趸。Indeed, fast fashion has trained a generation to seek out throwaway styles.

石英手表实在有失身份,所以只能暂时使用,或者是当作一种牢固的休闲手表来使。Quartz is simply infra dig, so keep that for your throwaway or unbreakable casual watch.

贸易、发展与政治改革的关系并不仅是一句套话。The connection between trade, development, and political reform is not just a throwaway line.

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这种滤清器中安装滤膜,但通常安装纸制滤芯。This filtering element may be in the form of a screen but usually is a throwaway paper element.

编写串行化实例的程序是临时代码,只需使用一次。The program that writes the serialized instances is throwaway code. You won't need it more than once.

但是它们仍然是抛弃型函数并且不维护任何类型的状态,这限制了我们可以用它们执行的操作。But they are still throwaway functions and don't maintain any sort of state, which limit what we can do with them.

因为创建直接缓冲区所增加的成本,所以直接缓冲区只用于长生存期的缓冲区,而不用于短生存期、一次性且用完就丢弃的缓冲区。Because of the added creation cost, use direct buffers only for long-lived buffers, not short, one-time, throwaway buffers.

我们清仓甩卖在10天后就结束了,之后你就再别希望有机会能以超低贱卖价淘得我们这些有限量宝贝了。Our clearance sale will end in 10 days, you won't get another chance at our limited quality stock for these throwaway prices.

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不过今年,与其把钱花在那些用过即丢的东西,何不把钱省下来用在度假或买计算机等大件物品上?But this year, instead of spending your money on throwaway items, why not save it for something big like a vacation or a computer?

她一点也不饿,还要再过几小时才会感到饿,那时候垃圾箱里自会有人家扔掉的东西。She is not hungry. It will ba a few hours before she begins to feel hungry and then there will be the throwaway stuff in the bins.

除了隐藏地址之外,隐蔽的电子邮件使用者还常常使用一个或多个免费的电子邮件服务,他们将这些地址作为“用完即弃”的地址。In addition to hiding addresses, a secretive e-mailer often uses one or more of the free e-mail services for "throwaway" addresses.

在“回巢族”一代还没有变成被丢弃的一代之前,年轻一代的失业问题需要重新回归到政治辩论的中心议题上来。Youth unemployment needs to be back in the centre of political debate before the boomerang generation becomes the throwaway generation.

再多的统计数据都不能够代替,亲眼看到对这些活生生的、还在喘气的动物被随手丢弃的现实。No amount of statistics, could take the place of seeing the reality of what this throwaway attitude did to the living, breathing animal.

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一个使用弱密码的废弃论坛账户可能会在几年之后被破解,但是他的密码你可能在其他账户中还在使用。A throwaway forum account with a weak password might be exploited years later, and could even be a password you still use with active accounts.

事实上,我们对快速的探索保留了术语“原型”。In fact, we reserved the term "prototype" for quick and dirty, throwaway explorations that might or might not fold into the final system in some form.

如果你只需要时钟的断续器,那么你可以放心地拆卸,而不必担心再装配的问题,将齿轮、指针甚至电磁体都统统扔掉。If you just need the clock's ticker. you can disassemble without worrying about reassembly. and throwaway the gears. hands, and even the electromagnet.