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时间是一根铁鞭。Time is an iron lash.

人们可以开始四处针砭时弊But they could lash out.

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“让我们飘浮,上尉,”莱什说。Let us drift, Lieutenant, " Lash said."

“追踪那些救生船,”拉稀命令杨少尉。"Track those pods, " Lash ordered Lieutenant Yang.

我可以把刀子绑在一支桨的把子上。I can lash my knife to the butt of one of the oars.

“只可能是一件事,”莱什回答。Theres only one thing it could be, " lash answered."

记得自己那种震惊、愤怒、要回驳的冲动吗?Remember the shock, the anger, the urge to lash back.

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我给了我的马一皮鞭,那声音响彻森林。I gave my horse a lash that sounded through the forest.

你有没有被你的不安全感驱使着去讽刺贬低别人的经历?Are your insecurities driving you to lash out at others?

在受到威胁时,寇罗爪鱼会以惊人的速度发出猛击。If threatened, the colo will lash out with amazing speed.

拉稀选择了一个圆舞曲似的航线,他想要速度和隐蔽。Lash danced a fine line. He wanted speed and invisibility.

她也许是抽动尾巴,甚至将尾巴摆来摆去。She may twitch her tail or even lash it from side to side.

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他还没有尝到这种皮鞭的滋味,但是完全知道那是多么厉害的。He had not yet felt the lash , but were aware of its force.

整个中国北方好像是被鞭子抽打过一样。The whole of Northern China has been scourges as with a lash.

睫毛增长液除黑色外,还有什么其它颜色?Does the Lash Extender come in other colors apart from black ?

他开始无情地鞭打卢克的屁股和大腿。He began to lash Luke unmercifully across buttocks and thighs.

最重要的建议是决不能用睫毛膏涂你的下眼线。Top tips include never applying mascara to your lower lash line.

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然后,用小刷子沿着下睫毛刷眼影,这样眼睛看上去更大。Then, use a small brush to apply shadow along the lower lash line.

越是横行霸道,就越发激起更强烈的反抗。The more the reactionaries lash out, the more resistance they provoke.

绳索短了一截,缺少了他割下用来绑鱼的那一段。The rope was short as it lacked what he had cut away to lash the fish.