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到街垒去了!To the barricade?

全街垒鼓掌叫好。The barricade applauded.

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太小了,你们的这街垒。Your barricade is very small.

也被称为鱼梁,与路障。Also called weir, and barricade.

这街垒是用什么东西构成的?Of what was that barricade made?

街垒正处在它的下方。The barricade was underneath it.

不要妨碍警察执行公务。Don't cross the police barricade.

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一座街垒,便是吉布妈妈的一场茶会。A barricade is Mother Gibou's tea.

冉阿让刚走进街垒。Jean Valjean had just entered the barricade.

士兵在路上设路障。The soldiers make a barricade across the road.

那庞大的街垒感到他坐镇在它的臀部。The enormous barricade felt him on its haunches.

他的视线正好直直地落到街垒里。His glance fell directly down into the barricade.

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看到这一切,街垒中人大笑起来。On seeing this, the barricade burst into a laugh.

街垒发出一阵骇人的摧折破裂的声音。A fearful detonation burst forth on the barricade.

街垒里有扇玻璃门,用处可大呢。A glass door is an excellent thing in a barricade.

这就是大庙郊区的街垒。t was the barricade of the Faubourg of the Temple.

您把他从街垒带到这儿来的吗?So you have brought him thither from the barricade?

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蒙德都巷子的小街垒很容易跨过去。The little barricade of the Mondetour lane can be scaled.

街垒出现了人在上面竞相攀登的场面,它有着一簇象鬃毛样披散的火光。The barricade once scaled had a mane of lightning flashes.

事实上那是攻打街垒的炮声。They were the reports of the cannon battering the barricade.