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可怜的西而维亚在危难中被人遗弃了。Poor Sylvia got left in the lurch.

船的右舷突然倾侧。The boat gave a lurch to starboard.

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我们不断遭受严重的干旱和反常的洪水。We lurch between terrible drought and unseasonal flood.

他们就突然冲进车流中,眼睛都不眨一下。They just lurch out into traffic without batting an eye.

为了验证我的预感,我一推门闯进了“蜘蛛头”里。To test my hunch, I did a sudden lurch into the Spiderhead.

你是否曾因为同事请假而陷入困境?Have you ever been left in the lurch by a colleague on FMLA leave?

当她们走到这里时,她们的水罐突然倾倒,水泼溅了出来。Their pitchers lurch suddenly, and water spills when they reach this spot.

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有人说倒退的惨败是因为美国人失去了对政府的信任。Some say the regressive lurch occurred because Americans lost confidence in government.

粗糖价格骤然上涨有其深层次的合理原因。There are some solid underlying reasons for the upward lurch in the price of raw sugar.

如若不然,我们将在不同的危机之间蹒跚前行,而灾难规模也将越来越大。Otherwise, we’ll lurch from crisis to crisis — and the crises will get bigger and bigger.

冰流穿越冰原而移动,当它踉跄前进时,会在两侧留下冰隙并形成缺口。Ice streams moving through an ice sheet leave crevasses at their sides as they lurch forward.

哈里只要借一点钱,你怎能把这样一个老朋友置于困难中而不顾呢!Harry was only asking for a small loan. How could you have left such an old friend in the lurch.

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随着恐慌的出现,债券收益率陡然暴涨,股市和汇市随之惊慌一片。As panic sets in, bond yields lurch sickeningly upwards and fear spreads to shares and currencies.

大家乱作一团,公债发行量慢慢呈现病态地上升,恐惧从股市蔓延到货币流通。As panic sets in, bond yields lurch sickeningly upwards and fear spreads to shares and currencies.

无论从哪个角度去看喀什老城,无论是建筑还是人们,都显得破旧,落后和凋敝。The whole city, architecture and people, lurch at all angles, backward, worn and poorly maintained.

不过这种场合下他是那个应该感到荣耀的快乐的小伙子,或者其它场合,步履蹒跚的人会偷走他的胜利。But there will be occasions to come where he deserves the glory and gurgle boy or lurch will steal it.

但是,在一次采访中,吴稼祥担心中国近来的一些发展显示民粹主义倾向。However, in an interview, Mr Wu worried that some recent developments in China suggested a populist lurch.

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这种感觉在英国加入欧盟,撇下纽西兰出口贸易商独立挣扎后更加明显。This sense was heightened after Britain joined the European Union, leaving New Zealand exporters in the lurch.

哈利转身望着她,他的胃奇怪地翻动着,仿佛踩空了楼梯。Harry turned to look at her and his stomach gave a weird lurch as though he had missed a step going downstairs.

任何时候,这项活动涉及到一个足够强的困境的岩浆开始晃动,将出现一个全球性的不寒而栗。Any time this activity involves a strong enough lurch that the magma begins to slosh, a global shudder will emerge.