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枕骨隆突明显突出。The occipital protuberance was well developed.

枕骨主要为致密的皮质骨。Occipital bone comprises compact os integumentale.

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枕叶梗死是值得重视的另一个原因。Occipital lobe infarction is another important cause.

宽,但后枕骨不很突出。The skull broad and the occipital bone not too prominent.

头骨是半球形的,枕骨凸起十分明显。The skull is well domed , showing a pronounced occipital protuberance.

结论枕髁的形态学变异较大。Conclusion Great morphometric variations were found in occipital condyle.

略微圆拱,后枕骨明显的突出。Skull. The skull is well domed, showing a pronounced occipital protuberance.

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该药还能延迟大鼠胚胎胸骨与枕骨的骨化。It could also delay the ossification of occipital bone and sternum of the fetuses.

我们发现从枕极至头部前区的区域有激活现象。We found activations in areas extending from the occipital pole to anterior areas.

枕骨螺钉也有引起颅内并发症的潜在风险。Occipital screws also associated with the potential for intracranial complications.

枕髁和颈静脉结节的磨除可增加手术视野。The resection of occipital condylar and jugular tuber can increase surgical freedom.

额叶、顶叶和颞叶的大部以及枕叶还都存在。Most of the front-al, parietal and temporal lobes and the whole occipital lobe are present.

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后枕骨非常突出,头顶的“头发”是丝状的、长长的毛发。The occipital bone is very prominent. The head is surmounted by a topknot of long silky hair.

这个图片显示,枕叶区的颜色最红,表示那里正在进行旺盛的代谢。The pictures show that the occipital areas of the color red, said there are strong metabolism.

目的总结顽固性枕叶癫痫患者的手术治疗经验。Objective To introduce the surgical experience in treating intractable occipital lobe epilepsy.

随着年龄增加,左额叶和枕叶的激活也随着增加。The activation in the left frontal lobe and occipital lobe was greater with age during the task.

每日日夕以十指向后梳搔前额发际至枕后发际各60次。Daily Rixi to ten points after the comb scratched forehead hairline to the occipital hair 60 times.

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正是枕骨脉轮,管辖并引导着菩萨级别梦想的能量流。It is the occipital chakra that governs and directs the energy flow of the dream of the Bodhisattva.

枕骨脉轮为你此后的生命之舞和提升引导梦想与梦想编织。The occipital chakra directs the dream and dream weaving for one's life dance and ascension thereafter.

结论眉间-枕外粗隆可作为三维体表坐标系。Conclusion Glabella-external occipital protuberance line coordinate systems on body surface are available.