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我是新闻播音员。I'm a newscaster.

我也是新闻播音员。And I'm a newscaster.

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约翰也是新闻播音员。And John is a newscaster.

你是一位优秀的新闻播音员。You're a good newscaster.

噢,杰克也是新闻播音员。Yeah,Jake is a newscaster too.

但是只有一个新闻播音员主播。But only one newscaster is the host.

你曾试着做过新闻播音员吗?Did you ever try being a newscaster?

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不,我确实是。我是个三十八岁的新闻播音员。Yes,I am,I'm a 38-year-old newscaster.

你总在问问题。你想过当一名新闻播间员吗?You're always asking questions. Did you ever think about becoming a newscaster?

这新闻播报员正在找线索及在他的服务机构日夜工作。The newscaster is searching for clues and working around the clock in his affiliation.

北韩国营电视台新闻主播宣布这种宣传不会被容忍。North Korea's state television newscaster announced such propaganda will not be tolerated.

主要是因为我们害怕一个名牌风投公司会用一个新闻播报员来收拾我们。The main reason was that we feared a brand-name VC firm would stick us with a newscaster as part of the deal.

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顾名思义,读稿是没有音响效果或录影画面的报道,由播音室里的主播人朗读。A “reader” story is just what it appears to be – a story without additional sound bites or video – usually presented by the newscaster or anchor in the studio.

并且郑重宣读了一项声明要求释放Zaidi,“美国当局曾承诺保证伊拉克的言论及人身自由。”A newscaster solemnly read out a statement calling for his release, "in accordance with the democratic era and the freedom of expression that Iraqis were promised by U.S. authorities."

然后,愿望实现了——很突然,令人措手不及,没有任何预警——“我们预料奥巴马将成为美国下一任总统”,大喇叭里的广播声音洪亮。And then it happens—suddenly, surprisingly, with no forewarning—“We are projecting that Barack Obama will be the next president of the United States”, a newscaster blares over the loudspeaker.