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人家说它是个石洞。It is said to be a grotto.

有十字架的石窟。The grotto with the cross.

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石窟艺术与佛教是十分密切的。Grotto art and Buddhism is very close.

在工具栏将橡皮筏、气泵和浆组合。Go to the grotto and inflate the rubber raft.

在郁郁葱葱的森林中,一个洞穴依稀可见。A grotto in the forest, leafy, dense and dark.

这里最引人注目的就是炳灵寺石窟。Here is the most eye-catching Binglingsi Grotto.

石窟艺术是为当时信佛的人们服务的。Grotto art is for the people at that time Xinfo services.

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系我国东部最大的石窟造像群。Department of East China 's largest grotto sculpture group.

这个洞穴经常能听到水滴声。The sound of dripping water is always heard in this grotto.

他微微笑了一下,立刻引她们到“石洞”去。He smiled, and introduced them instantly into this "grotto."

整个石窟一片黑暗,只有灵魂树的枝条发出如梦如幻的光芒。The grotto is dark except for the spectral GLOW of the willows.

利用一天然石窟,内塑观音及十八罗汉像。The use of a natural grotto , with plastic, like Yin and Rohan 18.

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这个洞窟叫“珊瑚”,不难想象为什么要如此称之。This grotto is called “Coral” and it is not difficult to guess why.

骑着斑溪兽的战士在天空盘旋俯冲,遮天蔽日。BANSHEE RIDERS circle and swoop, darkening the sky above the grotto.

卫生间看起来像一个明亮的石窟——自然的当代抽象艺术。The toilet is expressed as a bright grotto – a contemporary abstraction of nature.

莫高窟北朝时期的石窟,从窟形到壁画艺术深受克孜尔石窟的影响。The grotto shape and mural art of the latter are under the influence of the former.

之前可能有向著东南东方延伸的一个小洞穴。There was most likely an extension towards a smaller grotto to the east-south-east.

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全文从这种观点出发,论述了龟兹石窟艺术模式。Starting from this point of view, the author expounded the Model of Qiuci Grotto art.

整个卫生间看起来像一个明亮的洞穴,像一个好玩的捉迷藏的场所。The toilet forms a whole integrated grotto space, with a playful sense of hide-and-seek.

本文就克孜尔石窟“本生”壁画产生发展的时空背景作一叙述。This paper analyzes the time and space background of the development of the kizil grotto.