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阳光能令人心情振奋起来。Sunlight is a great mood lifter.

固定式升降货梯是小型起重机械的一种。Fixed cargo lifter is a kind of mini-crane.

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汤姆•博伊尔曾经是一名经验丰富的举重运动员。Tom Boyle was an experienced weight lifter.

本公司生产的永磁起重器的安全系数为3.5。The safe coefficient of magnet lifter is 3.5.

谁没把马桶圈放下?TOILET SEAT LIFTER ‘Who left the Toilet Seat up?’

永磁起重器是起重工具的一种。Permanent Magnet Lifter is a kind of lifting gear.

外出走走。阳光能使人心情振奋起来。Go outside for a walk. Sunlight is a great mood lifter.

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本发明涉及弹性支撑移动架车机。The invention relates to an elastic support mobile car lifter.

他是一个健身房的常客,一个狂热的举重运动员,曾一度被评为以色列先生。He was a gym rat, a fanatical weight lifter who had once been Mr.

顶出机构是推杆推出的一次脱出机构。The knockouts uses once ejecting mechanism that lifter pushes out.

这名举重选手的力气正好在比赛期间达到顶点。The weight lifter 's strength peaked just in time for the competition.

此钢球提升器为磨机装运钢球用,装载量约1吨。The steel ball lifter is for loading the loading capacity is about 1 t.

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顶出机构是推杆推出的一次脱出机构。The knockouts system uses once ejecting mechanism that lifter pushes out.

着重介绍了模具的抽芯结构,并对抽芯力及斜导柱进行了核算。The die structure combined advantages of the side core-pulling and lifter body.

我要把每天的日子活到最为完满,我要成为一个有知有识,改造世界的人。I will live each day to the fullest and become a literature lifter of the world.

他是一个健身房的常客,一个狂热的举重运动员,曾一度被评为以色列先生。He was a gym rat, a fanatical weight lifter who had once been Mr. Teenage Israel.

今天,这是对观测到的飘升机现象的一种解释。Today, this is one of the explanations for the phenomenon observed in the Lifter.

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如果一名举重选手试举三次失败,他就不能参加下一轮比赛。When a weight lifter fails three trials, he will be excluded from the next round.

在洗完头发并用毛巾擦干之后,使用生发剂。After washing and towel drying your hair, apply a root lifter or volumizing spray.

介绍了电动软轴式玻璃升降器的工作原理。The fundamental working principle of motor driven flexible glass lifter is introduced.