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左迷走神经的其余部分分布到胃前壁。The remaining portion of the left nerve innervate the anterior wall of the stomach.

我确实想让野性的灵活性仍然在一些地方起作用,比如类似激活的独特技能。I do think the Feral flexibility will still count for something, as will unique abilities like Innervate.

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这一改动是为了提高例如唤醒、动技能的利用效率,防止在计时时造成技能有效时间的浪费。This was done to improve functionality of abilities such as Evocation and Innervate so that they did not have wasted" ticks".

运动单位是由一个运动神经元及其所支配的一定数量的肌纤维所构成。A single motor neuron may innervate more than one fiber. A motor neuron plus all of the muscle fibers that it innervates comprise a motor unit.

结论植入的神经恢复了感觉神经结构和功能的完整性,可以使感觉小体获得神经再支配。Conclusion The implanted nerve might recover the functional and structural integrity of sensory fibers and innervate the degenerative corpuscles.

就像一场马拉松,数千名奔跑的人穿越布鲁克林大桥。zapping with electricity certain nerves that innervate the face. It’s like a marathon in which thousands of runners are crossing the Brooklyn Bridge.

思考神经传递的过程,尤其是那些用以将信号,由神经末梢传递到所支配组织的脑内和身体其他部位的化学物质。Considers the process of neurotransmission, especially chemicals used in the brain and elsewhere to carry signals from nerve terminals to the structures they innervate.

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结论喉返神经支配除环甲肌以外的所有喉内肌,其麻痹后所支配的肌肉群可以发生去神经性萎缩。Conclusion The recurrent laryngeal nerve innervate all the intrinsic muscles of the larynx except cricothyroid muscle, paralysis of the nerve leads to atrophy of related muscles.

在正常生理条件下,初级感觉传入神经元上存在一些儿茶酚胺能神经纤维的支配,二者之间没有明显的功能联系。Under normal conditions some catecholaminergic fibers innervate primary afferent neurons and there is no significant functional communication between sympathetic fibers and sensory neurons.

有几个医生正试验一种新的治疗,包括罗伯特莱维博士,他是西北纪念医院的一位神经外科医生,参与到用电流破坏那些刺激脸部的神经。A new treatment being tried out by a few doctors, including Dr. Robert Levy, a neurosurgeon at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, involves zapping with electricity certain nerves that innervate the face.