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目前她也病危。She is also critically ill.

父病危,速归。Father critically ill return soon.

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他们已把图纸严格地审查过了。They have critically investigated the case.

他还可以批判性地思考和行动。It enables them to think and act critically.

看房非常方便,随时都可以去看。Critically very convenient, always ready to see.

至少有26人受伤,一些乘客伤势较为严重。At least 26 people were injured, some critically.

全受刺激中风昏迷入院,情况危殆。All the stimulated stroke coma, critically hospital.

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根据中国报告,18名病人病危。As reported by China, 18 patients are critically ill.

秦桧病危后,高宗曾亲自前往探望。Qin Hui critically ill, the emperor personally to visit.

按F1继续华林!电池是严重不足!Waring! battery is critically low! press F1 to continue.

一只蟋蟀在一场关键的板球比赛中扭伤了。A cricket critically cricked at a critical cricket match.

没有人生来就会评判性思考。None of us are born with the ability to think critically.

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她透过眼镜挑惕地上下打量我。She critically stared at me up and down through her glasses.

这些课对于你们真的极其重要?These sections are critically important in this course. Okay?

他在对那些垂死的,重病的孩子们的工作上鞠躬尽瘁。He ended up working with the terminally and critically ill children.

具有评点、抒发、揭示的功能。He has function which critically punctuates, expresses, promulgates.

在学校,我受到的教育让我以批判的眼光审视别人告诉我的一切。In school, I was taught to critically examine everything I was told.

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这次开火导致12名矿工受伤,两个人情况紧急。Shots were fired and 12 miners were wounded, two of them critically.

现有技术熟练的接生员的数量是相当不足的。The current number of skilled attendants is critically insufficient.

批判性思考能够使你在分析问题时富有洞察力。Thinking critically can enable one to analyze problems insightfully.