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为这事儿,我差点宰了他。I nearly killed him.

鼬几乎笑了起来。Itachi nearly laughed.

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几乎是吃午饭的时间了。It's nearly lunch-time.

你的笑话真是笑死人。Your joke nearly kill me.

我差点被它绊倒。I nearly stumbled over it.

他们几乎同岁。They are nearly of an age.

他差点没赶上火车。He nearly missed the train.

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他的咳嗽差不多全好了。His cough was nearly cured.

我差点把这事忘了。谢了!I nearly forget it. Thanks!

我差点坐过站了。I nearly missed my station.

他们几乎同岁。They were nearly of an age.

将近14万3千人死亡。Nearly 143, 000 people died.

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几乎所有的鹮科鸟类都能飞,但“奇异朱鹭”不会飞。Nearly all other ibises fly.

我差点把车撞到路灯柱上。I nearly ran into a lamppost.

几乎所有事情都出了错。Nearly everything went wrong.

这匹马差点使他受伤。The horse nearly injured him.

我们几乎笑死了。We nearly died with laughing.

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那几乎让福兰克伤心欲裂。It nearly broke Frank's heart.

库存已几乎卖完。The stock is nearly exhausted.

我差点醉死过去。I nearly drank myself to death.