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研究的最终目的在于应用。Application is the ultima thule of study.

适合所有拓乐快速的系统负荷载架脚。Fit all Thule Rapid System load carrier feet.

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他向她展现连接到名叫‘极北之地’的另一幅图象。He showed her another image linked to the name ' Thule '.

这就是摇滚乐热切渴望到达的极地吗?Is this the Ultima Thule that rock music has long been aiming for?

我们将进入土勒神庙把恐惧之神的军队加入到我们的序列里。We will enter the Temple of Thule and add the forces of Fear to our ranks.

看起来会像是极北被传统武器攻击了。It would have looked as if Thule had been attacked with conventional weapons.

在接下来的三个世纪里,图勒人在横跨加拿大到格陵兰岛的陆地上蔓延开来了。Thule people spread across Canada to Greenland in the three centuries following.

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如果燃烧的B-52直接撞入极北的通讯中心呢?What if the burning B-52 had crashed directly into the communications centre at Thule?

图勒的外观,帮助推进故事,也增添了一个新的队,以我们的团队。Thule 's appearance helped advance the story, and it also added a new squad to our team.

产品评论,技巧,折扣和亚基马和图勒等顶级顺利架更多。Product Review, tips, "discounts, " and Yakima and Thule rack up the "top" more "smoothly.

杜库随后前往图勒,并在行星上的一座古代西斯城市中激活了黑暗收割器。Dooku then went to Thule and activated the Dark Reaper in an ancient Sith city on the planet.

“拓乐”是世界领先的为运动设备和其它设备提供运输解决方案的公司。Thule is the world's leading provider of transport solutions for sport's and other equipment.

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从机场坐车约十分钟,我就闻名遐迩的海滩——天涯海角。After thirty minutes ' driving from the airport, I got to the most famous beach---- Ultima Thule.

理由是就算极北被毁了,空指部还是有防卫和通讯的能力。The reasoning was that even if Thule was wiped out, SAC would still have defences and communications.

雷声公司还将支持Thule基地的UEWR雷达的集成测试工作,执行导弹防御任务和原有任务。Raytheon will also support integrated tests of the Thule UEWR, performing both missile defense and legacy missions.

那位妇女依其申述是接收来自外星人的信息,是“极北之地”被创立之后。他们继续去建造一些称为沃瑞尔机械的东西。The woman allegedly channeled information from aliens after which the Thule was crteated. they went on to build something called the Vril Machine.

拓乐曾于2006年参加了首届亚洲户外展,展位现场的越野汽车及户外场景布置,给观众留下了深刻的印象。Thule participated in the 1st Asia Outdoor in 2006, and its spot cross-country vehicles and outdoor scene arrangement impressed the audience deeply.

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“办法很明显”卡滋土勒插话道“要是以前你们不限制我影响他们,凡人根本不会有机会挑战我们。"The solution is obvious, " interjected Cazic- Thule . "If my influence were allowed to grow, the mortals would not be in a position to challenge us.

极地因纽特人属于我们这个世界规模最小的土著群体之一,800多人散布在图勒地区的四个定居点。The Inughuit are one of the smallest indigenous groups in the world, with a population of just 800 spread across the four settlements that make up the Thule region.

因纽特人是被人类学家称作“图莱文化”的后裔,其祖先约产生于在公元前1000年的阿拉斯加西部,后向东扩展,横跨北极。The Inuit are the descendants of what anthropologists call the Thule culture, who emerged from western Alaska around 1000 AD and spread eastwards across the Arctic.