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人们缩减劳动执行要求they undercut labor practices,

破坏「古典前千禧年派」的观点。Does undercut a classic pre- millennial outlook.

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这样就压下了大量的传闻和谣言。So that undercut a lot of the gossip and rumors.

整容外科医生将她的脸皮下部切开。The plastic surgeon undercut the skin of her cheek.

他身上散发的粪便味破坏了他的形象。His image was undercut by the fact that he reeked of manure.

但1979年的伊斯兰革命根除了所有这些进步。But the Islamic Revolution of 1979 undercut all those advances.

在一些游戏中,“低分赢”的奖励和“金”一样,都是25分。In some games, the undercut bonus is 25, the same as for a gin.

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第三,伊拉克方面的反对声也使布什的民主进程时间表大打折扣。Third, Iraq threatens to undercut Mr Bush's domestic agenda too.

当然,对军事力量的滥用也会削弱软实力。Of course, misusing military resources can also undercut soft power.

这种留置设备的行为会削弱俄罗斯面向CSTO成员国的军售。Such transfers could undercut Russia'smilitary sales to CSTO states.

这个焊口检查发现有明显的气孔和超长的咬边。An obvious air hole and an ultra-long undercut are found in the seam.

潜意识里,我觉得我必须搞些破坏来得到我想要的位置!Subconsciously I felt I had to undercut to get the position I wanted!

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如果曹的深度比最小值小,调整它与钢片的距离。If the undercut depth is less than the minimum, adjust it with a hacksaw blade.

此处倒勾先垂直顶出,之后再手动取出。This area of the undercut needs to be ejected vertically, then taken out manually.

很多人说,经济刺激的推进延宕了环保的议事进程。The push to stimulate the economy, many say, has undercut the environmental agenda.

在主要构件中,横向接缝的咬边最大允许多深?What maximum depth of undercut is permitted in transverse splices of primary members ?

每个企业都有削弱对手的动机,最后他们的利润都下降了Both firms have an incentive to undercut the other firm, driving down profits for both.

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在一些游戏中,规定只有遇到“金”或“低分赢”的局面时才有额外的“一块”或“两块”。In some games, an extra box or two is credited when a player scores a gin or an undercut.

当清理鲑鱼和虹鳟的时候我允许喵星人咬点鱼翅下的肉。When cleaning salmon or steelhead trout I allow a cat to nibble meat at undercut of fins.

把民主党立法者放在司机的位置上会削弱两党制。Putting the Democratic legislative barons in the driver's seat has undercut bipartisanship.