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那是个蛐蛐。She is a cricket.

我喜欢打板球。I like to play cricket.

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他不善于玩板球。He is clumsy at cricket.

小猫咪看到了一只蟋蟀。The kittens see a cricket.

并不相信这只蟋蟀。He didn't believe the cricket.

“我没有买,”蟋蟀说。"I didn't, " said the cricket.

蟋蟀在草丛中高声鸣叫。A cricket shrills in the grass.

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一只蟋蟀在草丛中尖声歌唱。A cricket shrills in the grass.

打板球是约翰最挂心的事。Cricket is a religion with John.

我觉得打板球队没有劲。I don't find cricket very exciting.

她,也是一只安静的蟋蟀。She, too, was a very quiet cricket.

然后我们才走上板球训练场。We then turned to cricket practice.

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蟋蟀上房叫,庄稼挨水泡。Cricket is built by blisters, crops.

他们在做板球比赛。They are playing a match at cricket.

您可以解释一下板球的规则吗?Can you explain the rules of cricket?

昨夜寒蛩不住鸣。Han Ming could not last night cricket.

足球和板球都是室外运动。Football and cricket are outdoor games.

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倚着曼陀林,蟋蟀在鸣唱。My cricket chirps against thy mandolin.

是啾啾的蟋蟀在跟你的琵琶应和!My cricket chirps against thy mandolin.

在香港是禁止斗蟋蟀的。Cricket fighting is banned in Hong Kong.