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不过今年这个时候我却有丝丝郁闷。However, this time of year, I have a Cecil depressed.

想想塞西尔·B·戴米尔,好莱坞的那种闪电效果。Imagine Cecil B.DeMille,Hollywood type lighting effects.

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金球奖西席?迪?迪密尔终身成就奖。Golden Globes Cecil D. Demille Lifetime Achievement Award.

塞西尔此时开始慌张起来,连忙发射了两枚遇险信号火箭。Cecil now began to panic and fired off two distress rockets.

金球奖西席?迪?迪密尔终身成就奖。Golden Glostayings Cecil D. Demille Lifetime Achievement Award.

赛西而厥后来了,哭得很悲痛,请求我原谅他。Cecil came round later, crying his eyes out, asking me to forgive him.

来见见著名的神学统计学家塞西西斯尔思韦特爵士。Meet Sir Cecil Thistlethwaite, the celebrated theological statistician.

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赛斯尔·弗雷德约翰,我的父亲,来自于一个贫穷的爱尔兰犹太家庭。Cecil Fridjohn, my father, came from an impecunious Irish Jewish family.

取MG这个名称,塞西尔·金伯坦言是出于对威廉·莫里斯的敬意。Check the name MG, Cecil Kimber is frankly out of respect for William Morris.

威廉·莫里斯是MG之父,塞西尔·金伯是MG品牌创始者。William Morris is the father of MG, Cecil Kimber the founder of the MG brand.

见微知著,母亲的一言一行、一举一动,都渗透着丝丝爱意。Such modest beginnings, the mother's words and acts, are permeated with love Cecil.

要想多做成一些事情的捷径是一次只做一件事情─威廉·塞西尔。The shortest way to do many things is to do only one thing at a time─William Cecil.

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凯莱·塞西尔,一个同大型搅拌槽工作的经验丰富的化学操作员。Cecil Kelley, an experienced chemical operator was working with a large mixing tank.

丝丝凉凉,让娇美的桂花早些退下了秋的舞台。Cecil cool, so charming the sweet-scented osmanthus in autumn withdrew earlier stage.

那是什么照片,-瑞士野营时照的相。亚伦穿的跟毛毛虫似的。What are those? -pictures from camp suisse. Aaron dressed up as cecil the caterpillar.

命运却开玩笑地让塞希尔介绍了艾默生父子住到露西家附近成了邻居。As if fate had made a joke, the Emersons moved into her neighbourhood, introduced by Cecil.

不久之后,电影导演塞西尔B德米尔了第一个标准长度的电影,阔人。Soon after, movie director Cecil B. Demille made the first feature-length film, the Squaw Man.

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七年前的今天,塞西尔·理察森警官一早就在五角大楼值勤。Seven years ago this morning, police officer Cecil Richardson was on duty here at the Pentagon.

塞西尔·B·戴米尔1881年生于马萨诸塞州阿什菲尔德,双亲都是剧作家。Cecil Blount DeMille was born in Ashfield, Massachusetts in 1881. Both his parents were writers of plays.

1902年,塞西尔·罗兹48岁,拥有辉煌的事业,却处于弥留之际。In 1902 , as he lay dying at the age of 48, Cecil Rhodes could look back on a not undistinguished career.