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新的战后统计界面。New post-battle statistics.

添加博客查看统计。Adding blog view statistics.

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统计的数字加不起来。The statistics do not add up.

统计数字一定有假。The statistics must be lying.

如何改进卫生统计?How do statistics improve health?

这些统计数据令人心寒。These are frightening statistics.

你上大学时学统计学了吗?Did you take statistics at college?

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许多大学都教授统计学。Statistics is taught in many colleges.

功率因数越限统计。Statistics on power factor over-limit.

显示的数据真的不可思议。The statistics are really unbelievable.

完成每月出入库。Finish monthly stocked parts statistics.

用来以图形形式显示利用情况的统计信息。ntop, for graphical utilization statistics

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如何显示虚拟内存统计数据?How do I display virtual memory statistics?

统计数据的质量是统计的生命。The quality of data is vital to statistics.

岁计、会计以及统计事宜。Annual budgeting, accounting and statistics.

然而,我们将会为其更新统计数据。We will, however, update statistics for them.

德华的数据非常惊人。The statistics are on Drogba's side immensely.

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提出的“成长尖端统计学。When he talked about "growing-tip" statistics.

你可以在这里看看全球的统计资料。You can look at the worldwide statistics here.

显示帐户和统计数据的点子。Display the account and the statistics in pips.