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灵感来自舞蹈的场景,我们相信每一个人体现创新精神。Inspired by the dance scene, we believe every individual embodies originative spirit.

新颖独到的栏目设置,是提高高校学报质量的重要途径。Originative column devising is an important approach to improving the journal quality.

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创新人格是新世纪开展创造性活动的基础,它具有鲜明的个性特征。Originative character is the basis to the development of creative activities in new century.

并从心理学的角度,论述联想作为创新思维切入点的可行性。Form the psychological angle, it discusses the feasibility of association as a key point of originative thought.

创新思维是写作思维活动中的重要组成部分,是整个写作思维活动中的闪光点。Originative thinking is both an important part of thinking activity in writing and a flash in the whole process.

评价采用的是本中心首创的并经专家论证、社会认可的竞争力指数评价模式。The evaluation adapts the originative index evaluation mode, passed by experts' demonstration and accepted by society.

通过对设计教育的反思,提出创新思维开发的迫切性与重要性。By rethinking the design education, the paper put forward that the development of originative thought is urgent and significant.

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创新教育是中国大学教育发展的一面旗帜,是教育发展的方向。The originative education is a banner of the development of the college education in China and direction of educational development.

在开展设计性实验的基础上,开放实验室,进行了“首创”的探索性实验。We tried to direct undergraduates to carry out the originative exploring experiment after giving instruction in experimental design.

目的评价CT与超声在女性内生殖器原发恶性肿瘤的诊断价值。Objective To evaluate the value of CT and ultrasonography in the diagnosis of originative malignant tumors of the female internal genitals.

提出了一种适合于燃料电池的低压宽范围输入、高压输出场合的推挽正激三电平直流变换器。This paper introduces an originative ruggedized multiplex stabilized power supply that can be adapted for the voltage input at super wide range.

广东菜系,味道清,淡,脆,鲜,为西方人所熟知,常用猛禽走兽来烹饪出有创意的菜肴。Tasting clear, light, crisp and fresh, Guangdong cuisine, familiar to Westerners, usually chooses raptors and beasts to produce originative dishes.

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“真”与“情”是李一丁作品里永恒的主题,而细腻而又新颖的表现手法是她作品成功的重要因素。Reality and passion is the permanent theme of her music, but the significant factor of her success is the exquisite and originative expressions of her music.

专业的酒店服务人员,为您提供殷勤细致的服务,让您全方位感受石景山速8酒店独具匠心的待客之道。Professional hotel service staff to provide you with attentive service and meticulous, so thus you feel all-round originative hospitality of Super 8 Hotel Shijingshan.

只要腐败一直发挥着其角色的原始功能,社会就会忍受既定程度的腐败,将之视为经济快速发展过程中不可避免的一个因素。As long as corruption exercises its originative function, society will tolerate it as a necessary or unavoidable evil so long as they benefit from rapid economic growth.

自然界已经发现了有创新性的解决方案,适用于材料科学和技术领域各种各样的问题,我们可以从中学到很多东西”。The originative solutions contained in the natural world have been found to apply for the various problems arsing from material science and technology. We can learn much from it.

第二大部分分析了国际层次上统一的原产地规则,对原产地规则在WTO法律体系中的运用的阐述是这部分的新创造。The second part of my paper analyses international harmonized rules of origin. The analysis of application of rules of origin in WTO legal system is a most important originative idea.

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从科技和经济两个方面的发展趋势看,21世纪将是一个以创新活动主导社会发展潮流的世纪。The 21st century will be a new age with the originative activities directing the trend of social development form the angle of the developing tendency of economy and science and technology.