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例如“适者”的定义是什么?E. g. what's the definition of the fittest?

我把它和人类学中适者生存的观点联系起来了。I relate it to the idea of survival of the fittest.

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正如达尔文所言,物竞天择,适者生存。As asserted by Darwin, only the fittest can survive.

高松年研究生物学,知道“适者生存”是天经地义。Life is a deadly struggle in which only the fittest survive.

这里是极端干旱地区,只有适者能够生存。There are extreme arid regions where only the fittest survive.

物竞天择,适者生存。Evolution, the theory goes, guarantees survival to the fittest.

夏威夷邀请最合适的选手参赛,以保存其铁人三项赛。Hawaii challenges the fittest to survive its Ironman triathlon.

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一个大企业的成长也不过是适者生存而已。The growth of a large business is merely a survival of the fittest.

但适者生存并不总是生死攸关的事。But survival of the fittest doesn't always have life-or-death stakes.

2“办公室进化论”是“适者生存”的官方形式。Office Darwinism" is a bureaucratic form of "survival of the fittest."

厚皮,巨熊形态和适者生存只影响基础护甲值。Thick Hide, Dire Bear and Survival of the Fittest only affect base armor.

这多是受到达尔文“适者生存”概念的影响。This number is subject to Darwin's "survival of the fittest" concept of the impact.

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先民告诉我们什么是最好的,但我们必须从现代人身上了解什么才是最合适的。The ancients tells us what is best, but we must learn of the moderns what is fittest.

从进化角度来看,这一概念奉行“适者生存”的哲学。The concept, drawing from evolution, espouses the philosophy of survival of the fittest.

信息市场政策注重于公平竞争和优胜劣汰。Information market has paid more attention to fair competition and survival of the fittest.

高松年研究生物学,知道“适者生存”是天经地义。As a student of biology, Kao knew that "the survival of the fittest" was ordained by nature.

根据各部门的要求,进行培训需求分析,并提出适合的解决方案。Analyse demandsoftraining according to demands of each department, and propound fittest solution.

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有些人认为,适者生存,强烈的个人和团队的成功运动。Some people believe that the fittest and strongest individuals and teams always success in sports.

两份文书都对适者生存的弱肉强食社会观念提出挑战。Both documents challenge the notion of a dog-eat-dog society, where survival of the fittest reigns.

“物竞天择,适者保存”这是当然界生物进化的根本次序。"last it thing it select, survival of the fittest "is nature the basic laws of biological evolutions.