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我怎么才能被发现?How do I get discovered?

他于1492年发现了美洲。He discovered America in 1492.

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居里夫人发现了镭。Madame Curie discovered radium.

然后他发现它都干了些什么。Then he discovered what it did.

毕竟,我只是发现了它。After all, I only discovered it.

咖啡因是1820年发现的。Caffeine was discovered in 1820.

哥伦布于年发现了美洲。Columbus discovered America in l.

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中国发现世界?。China Discovered the World in 1421?

甘道夫数年前就发现了索伦。Gandalf discovered Sauron years ago.

我发现了一个聪明的招数。I have discovered a brilliant trick.

我们发现他是个冒名顶替的骗子。We discovered him to be an imposter.

一具尸体在沟中被发现。A corpse was discovered in the ditch.

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我们发现他是一名敌特。We discovered him to be an enemy spy.

蒸气机是什么时候发明的?When was the steam engine discovered?

发现了镭和青霉素。Radium and penicillin were discovered.

若斯诺维奇还发现了一个问题。Russinovich also discovered a problem.

我们发现他是一名敌特。We discovered that he was an enemy spy.

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轻的元素都已经被发现了。All the light ones have been discovered.

我发现了一个追女孩的新方法。I discovered a new way to pick up girls.

她发现我现在正在写诗歌。She discovered I was now writing poetry.