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摸棱两可是谎话的近亲。Equivocation is first cousin to a lie.

含糊其词是谎话的。Equivocation is Number1 cousin to a lie.

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这是个含糊其词的问题。The problem here is one of equivocation.

实际上并不清楚模糊在哪?actually not clear what equivocation it's on is it?

他犀利地看着我,不相信我的含糊其辞。He looks at me sharply, distrusting my equivocation.

不过,他的很多话中存在着模棱两可的内容。But there is an element of equivocation in some of his statements.

为什么,我们容忍解剖学对女性性器官如此的含糊其辞?Why do we tolerate such anatomic equivocation of women’s genitals?

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你应该用含糊的语言来含糊他和你自己。You would wrong him and wrong yourself by equivocation of any kind.

这是说同样话的结果,或者我们说bank这个词的不同意思。And that's a result of equivocation or we are equivocating on the word bank.

“我拿走了你的器材,非常抱歉。”巴布罗说,“那是一时糊涂。”I am sorry for having taken your material, " Pablo said. "It was an equivocation. "

说同样的话是一个论点,你们用同样的词有两个不同的意思。An equivocation is by the way an argument in which you use the same word which has two different meanings.

麦克白还和“模棱两可的话”有关,他用了一些有双重意义的话来误导他人。Macbeth is also concerned with the notion of "equivocation", using words with a double sense in order to deceive.

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这种模棱两可的结果,是将别人的善,跟作为「我」的特别的生命实存作对比。The result of this equivocation is to contrast the good of others with the good of the particular being that I am.

在我就任总统的第一天,我宣布美国毫无例外、坚定不移地禁止酷刑。On my first day in office, I prohibited -- without exception or equivocation -- the use of torture by the United States of America.

不同于界限模糊的绿色,红色无疑象征着活力和兴奋,红色使血压上升,心跳加速。There's no equivocation with red. It has energy and excitement, actually raising the blood pressure and making the heart beat faster.

他们必须承认,毫不含糊地或不模棱两可地,该组织是唯一代表巴勒斯坦人民的。They must admit without equivocation or ambiguity that the organization is the sole and only representative of the Palestinian people.

用这种方法就有可能采用常规信息论的其它重要成分,如模棱两可信息和多余信息。With this technique it is possible to adopt other important components of conventional information theory such as equivocation and redundancy.

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帕尔帕汀以一个工作勤勉的政客形象出场——而当你说“政客”这个词时,你马上会想到摸棱两可的话,这就是这个工作的本质。Palpatine appears to be a hard-working politician--and when you say the word politician immediately you think about equivocation which is the nature of the job.

第一句中是指羽毛很轻,在重量方面的,第二句是,与黑相对的亮,这就是模糊谬论。In the first case it means light as a feather, weight wise and in the second case we're talking about light as opposed to dark. So that's the fallacy of equivocation.

但是这一辩辞除了其伸缩性之外,还有别的瑕疵——它依赖于含糊其辞。Some argue that torture is justified if our survival is threatened, but even apart from the elasticity of this justification, it is flawed because it depends on an equivocation.