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每个楼层都有一个消防栓。On every floor there is a fire hydrant.

消火栓是从东京的原之一。The fire hydrant is an original one from Tokyo.

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明确了消火栓消防水量的确定方法。The paper make it clear of water quantity for hydrant.

室外消火栓系统不设计给水泵。No feeding pump is foreseen for external fire hydrant system.

消防栓前而接到交通违规罚单。The driver was ticketed for parking in front of a fire hydrant.

盖茨大街的居民们都提着小桶去街边的水龙头打水。Gates Avenue families carried the pails to the hydrant at the curb.

住在楼上的人家得提着水桶去楼下的水龙头打水。Families upstairs have to carry pails to the hydrant downstairs for water.

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我马上下来,消防栓。告诉妈妈,我马上就写完这一段。I 'll be right down, hydrant. Tell mom, I'm just gonna finish this paragraph.

我马上下来,消防栓。告诉妈妈,我马上就写完这一段。I'll be right down, fire hydrant. Tell mom, I'm just gonna finish this paragraph.

自喷系统与消火栓系统合用消防水箱。Flushes the system and the fire hydrant system comes in handy the fire water tank.

黄先生利用从消防栓外漏的水清洗他的摩托车。Mr. Huang used water that had leaked out of a fire hydrant to wash his motor scooter.

引擎和马匹都显示在一街与街灯和一个消防栓。The engine and horses are displayed on a street with street lights and a fire hydrant.

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白天到野外放牧吃草,晚上回家之后,一定是要在牛圈里栓好的,防止走失。Day into the wild grazing, at home, must be in the yard hydrant well, prevent the lost.

本月,热浪无情袭击华盛顿特区,当地居民说必须要有消防水龙头来为华盛顿特区降温了。An open fire hydrant cools off a Washington, D.C., resident during a heat wave this month.

其浪费的能量为把全日生活用水量扬升到消火栓需要压力所做的功。Its a waste of energy for the full-life needs water hydrant pressure risen to power has done.

至于消防栓漏水,赵队长表示会联系自来水公司进行检修。As for the fire hydrant leaking, Zhao said the captain will contact the water company for repairs.

甲类火则使用固定式消防栓灭火系统灭火。But, the type-A fire should be extinguished by using the fixed type hydrant extinguishing fire system.

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我不这样认为,就像我不认为属狗的人会乱叫、咬人、或者在消防栓底下撒尿一样。I don't believe it. Just as I don't believe that dog-year people bite, bark or pee near a fire hydrant.

武警消防支队的战士们下午将来教我们使用消防栓。The firefighters of the military police will come to teach us how to use a fire hydrant this afternoon.

等我回过神来的时候猛打方向盘勉强躲过了消火栓,但是没有躲过大树。When I looked back at the road, I had just enough time to swerve to miss the fire hydrant but not the tree.