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蓝胡子答道。replied Bluebeard.

“你到底下不下来?”蓝胡子在喊。"Will you not come down?" cried Bluebeard.

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“你的时间到了,爱丽丝!”蓝胡子喊道。"Your time is up, Alice! " shouted Bluebeard.

但是蓝胡子的心肠比任何岩石都要坚硬!but Bluebeard had a heart harder than any rock!

“马上拿给我,别弄砸了,”蓝胡子说。"Fail not to bring it to me presently," said Bluebeard.

她在美国犯罪传奇中的女版蓝胡子。She became part of American criminal folklore, a female Bluebeard.

当时蓝胡子大声呼喊,震得整个房子都在颤抖。Then Bluebeard bawled out so loud that he made the whole house tremble.

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蓝胡子没有继承人,于是他的老婆成为他所有的财产的主人。Bluebeard had no heirs,32 and so his wife became mistress of all his estate.

因为他结过多次婚,他作为一个名副其实的弑妻者被载入史册。Because he married so many times he has gone down in history as a veritable bluebeard.

因他结婚次数太多,作为一个名副其实的残暴丈夫,亨利八世已名垂史册。Because he married so many times he has gone down in history as a veritable bluebeard.

恰恰在这一刻,突然响起了响亮的敲门声使得蓝胡子停了下来。At this very instant there was such a loud knocking at the gate that Bluebeard made a sudden stop.

大门开了,两个骑马的男人立刻进来了。他们拔出剑来,直奔蓝胡子。The gate was opened, and presently entered two horsemen, who, drawing their swords, ran directly to Bluebeard.

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水嶋宏扮演的是管家名门出身的超优秀的管家。Super-excellent right distinct water ? certificate bluebeard neon gun fragrance cheek ? door family background steward.

“距离走廊十步,玫瑰花丛20步的地方,”一天夜里蓝胡子在吉米的梦里咆哮道,“那里有珍宝!”Ten steps from the porch and twenty steps from the rose bushes," growled Bluebeard in Jimmy's dream one night. "There be treasure there!