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黑‘桶’重建用作取暖炉。The black ‘barrels’ are reconstructed heating stoves.

该结构是用户驱动的、开放的和可重构的。The structure is user drived, open and reconstructed.

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现在,捷克一名拨弦古钢琴家进行了改造.It's now been reconstructed by a Czech harpsichordist.

海地重建不能由好心的局外人代劳。Haiti can’t be reconstructed by well-meaning outsiders.

这样的业务逻辑无法在请求程序端重新建立。Such logic can't be reconstructed on the requester side.

重组胚在体外能发育到8-细胞期。The reconstructed embryos progressed to the 8-cell stage.

在巡官描述罪行时,他在屋子里踱来踱去。He paced the room as the inspector reconstructed the crime.

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这座木构教堂是被搬运到这儿并重建的。The wooden churches were transported here and reconstructed.

詹森脸部多处损伤,他的下颚是再造的。Jensen has a reconstructed jaw and much of his face is damaged.

结果23例断掌再植后全部成活。Results The reconstructed fingers survived in all the 23 cases.

这座在战争中被毁坏的古刹不久将重建。The ancient temple ruined in the war will be reconstructed soon.

而且很明显一些街道应该重建和拓宽。And apparently, some streets must be reconstructed and broadened.

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我们根枯恐龙的一些骨畏重组乐龙的原貌。We reconstructed what the dinosaur looked like from a few its bones.

毕竟,您可以相当容易地重新构建临时表的内容。After all, the content of the temp can be reconstructed easily enough.

之后,佩雷尔曼又按照这些定律重构了三维世界的地形。Perelman then reconstructed the geography of 3D-world from these laws.

在1751年清朝乾隆年间又再次重修了。During Qing Emperor QianLong's reign it was reconstructed again in 1751.

因此,我国行政拘留制度应该重构。So the leagl system of administrative detention should be reconstructed.

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我的手臂和脸都整过容了,还有更糟糕的是我无法醒过来。With my arm and my face reconstructed and what's worse, I can't wake up.

最后再对因格线删除而断开的笔画进行重构。Finally, the strokes, which left by erasing grid-line, are reconstructed.

这位考古学家将破碎的古瓶修复还原。The archaeologist reconstructed the broken ancient vase from its fragments.