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他的首站是首尔。His first stop is Seoul.

在首尔会记住您的爱。Seoul reminds me of oue love.

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金浦在汉城以西。Kimfu is located west to Seoul.

本市与汉城结成姊妹市。Our city is twinned with Seoul.

奥巴马会在首尔取得成功吗?Will Obama get his way in Seoul?

不要和上海比,要和东京和汉城比。Trr to compare with Tokyo, seoul.

她随后将于下周访问首尔。She visits Seoul later in the week.

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他们是在汉城一家电影制作室见的面。They met in a movie studio in Seoul.

我可以查下我的去往首尔包裹吗?Can I check my baggage through to Seoul?

洪水过后的生态公园的苍鹭。A heron at a flooded ecology park in Seoul.

朝军的炮兵火力足以掀翻汉城North Korea could flatten Seoul with Artillery

汉城国立大学动物医院Seoul National University Hospital for Animals

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微服私访次在埃及居住在汉城的夜。Incognito plays "Nights Over Egypt" live in Seoul.

BBC驻首尔记者约翰萨德沃思发来的报道。The BBC's correspondent in Seoul is John Sudworth.

他们选择了离首尔不远的高阳市。The city they chose, Goyang, is not far from Seoul.

爱宝乐园是一个位于在汉城郊外的主题公园。Everland dis a Theme parks in the outskirts of Seoul.

我们不应对这次首尔峰会抱太高期望。Expectations of Seoul should not be pitched too high.

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南大门是首尔最古老的木制建筑。The Namdaemun was the oldest wooden structure in Seoul.

所以,现在,我准备一个人开始一次到首尔的旅行。So, now, I was about to try a trip into Seoul on my own.

光州韩国西南部一城市,位于汉城东南偏南。A city of southwest South Korea south-southeast of Seoul.