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希望很快再见到你!Nos vemos pronto. See you soon.

我希望你立即回到这里来!…I expect to see you back here, pronto !

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我原来以为你会很快就来的。I thought that you'd be along pretty pronto.

你最好现在马上做你的功课。You'd better get your homework done pronto !

却不曾想过自己亦只是造物主的弹指一挥间。Never thought I also just the creator of the pronto.

事实上,我总是不会很快给出答案的。Truth is, I am out of touch with giving an answer pronto.

搜索如果你正在找工作,我建议你赶紧到这来。If you're lookin' for a work, I suggest you get in here pronto.

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如果你正在找工作,我建议你赶紧到这来。If you're lookin' for a work, I suggest you get in here pronto.

您的经理打电话到家里,要求您赶快修复程序。Your manager calls you at home and tells you to fix your program pronto.

在某种意义下,Pronto社会化购物社区有点像Digg。In this sense, the Pronto social shopping community is somewhat like Digg.

约翰出版了他的保留意见表龙,并赋予它以小的代价。John publishes his reservation on Table Pronto and gives it a small price.

时间可以改变良多人或事,所谓的沧海桑田实在不外就是弹指一挥间而已。Time can change many things or people, called the reality is nothing more than a pronto.

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如果和父母或伴侣这些近亲的关系使你紧张,就要赶紧去看临床医师。If a close relationship with a parent or partner is stressing you out, see a therapist pronto.

如果某个男人因为你选择巧克力蛋糕而对你没兴趣,应该马上把他踢一边去。If a guy isn't into you because you opt for the chocolate cake, he needs to be kicked to the curb pronto.

如果我们在2000年创了历史新高的时候你还没有当猪的感觉,我想你需要反省一下了。If you weren't feeling piggish after we hit an all-time high on the Nasdaq in 2000, you needed a shrink, pronto.

我母亲的回答——当时很快就为争论划上了句号——对你的问题有帮助吗?What does my mom's response -- which, by the way, ended the discussion, pronto -- have to do with your question?

因为我是一个从军营走出的兵,时间犹犹如弹指一挥间,步履匆匆,一切就好象昨天,就在自己的眼前。Because I am a soldier from the barracks from the time still like pronto , walking hurriedly, as if all yesterday, in their eyes.

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结合了一些社会化购物站点的功能,Pronto的用户可以创建自己的账号并且为他们喜欢的产品投票。With the incorporation of some social shopping features, Pronto users will be able to create accounts and vote for the products they like.

陌上花发,梳理着微醉的心事,忍把浮名,换了低吟浅唱的曲调,结了霜的泪,葬了昨夜的烟花雨,泯灭与幻散在弹指一挥间破碎。Procumbens flowers hair comb, and mind, can float, changed croon tunes, frosted tears, was last night's rain of fireworks, consumption and phantom scattered pronto breaking.

虽然公民们说对有些事来说,比如午餐啦、晚餐啦还有睡觉啦什么的,他们可以承受更多时间的折磨,但其他一切事情必需即刻完成,因为他们还得去别的地方。While citizens said that a few things, such as lunch, dinner, and sleep, could afford to go on for much longer, everything else reportedly needs to get moving pronto as people have places to be.