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我看见了他的唾液,伙计。I saw his gob , me mate.

采空区地层有其独特的地电特征,可以利用瞬变电磁法进行探测。Coal mine gob has its unique geo-electrical identity, so it can be detected using TEM.

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要回答这个问题,我们必须回到这个货币联盟项目刚开始的时候。This is where we need to gob ack to the beginning of the project for a currency union.

对沿空掘巷时煤柱的留设问题进行了分析和计算。This paper analyzed and calculated width of coal pillar for driving roadway along gob.

模糊优选法是合理选择复杂条件下的采空区处理方法的重要工具。Fuzzy optimization method is an important tool for selecting the disposal method for gob.

文章对煤矿采空区治理工程中的钻孔注浆问题进行了讨论。Some problems of bore grouting engineering for coal gob area are discussed in this paper.

夜晚,他在椅子上坐定,纹丝不动。只有向炉火中吐痰时才歪一下身子。And then at night see him fixed in his chair Motionless, except when he leans to gob in the fire.

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将尾砂胶结后用于充填采空区,可以减少环境污染和地表破坏。Cementing tailings to fill gob area can both reduce environmental pollution and ground destruction.

分析了煤矸石山对空气、水、土壤等环境的影响。This paper analyses the influence of coal gob mountains to environment such as air, water, soil and so on.

因此,活跃在上海房地产市场的投机被疏散江浙上海,许多网民空。As a result, active in the Shanghai real estate market speculators are evacuated Jiangzhe Shanghai , and many netizens gob.

简要介绍了瓦斯在井下和地面运输中的输配系统、管道敷设以及井下采空区分布状况。Underground and ground transfer system of gas, pipeline layout and underground gob distribution have briefly been introduced.

对寿王坟铜矿采空区存窿矿石进行了室内化学浸出与细菌浸出试验。Laboratory research on chemical leaching and bioleaching of the stored ores in gob from Shouwangfen Copper Mine are conducted.

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采空区浮煤自燃是煤矿的主要灾害之一,严重影响了煤矿的安全生产。The spontaneous combustion of coal of gob is one of the major calamities, which seriously influences safety production of mine.

煤矿采空区地面沉陷是永城矿区典型、突出的矿山地质环境问题。The surface subsidence above coalmine gob area is a typical and serious geological environment problem in Yongcheng mining area.

研究表明,采空区压实稳定是改善沿空掘巷维护状况的先决条件。The results show that the gob entry driving stabled is the first importart condition on improvingmaintain of the gob entry driving.

给出各类采空区对公路危害程度的评价方法与公路下伏采空区的处治防护原则。The endanger level estimation method of various gobs to road and the management and protection principle of gob under road are given.

煤矿采空影响区的地表移动变形破坏给油气管道建设带来了特殊的困难。The surface movement and destruction above gob affecting zone brings special difficulties to the construction of oil and gas pipeline.

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实践证明,瞬变电磁法是探测金属矿体、小窑采空区等地质异常体的一种有效手段。Practices demonstrate that the method is an effective means to detect geologic anomaly bodies of metal ore body and small mine gob area.

介绍了利用高分辨地电阻率法探查大柳塔煤矿小窑采空区的作业方法和效果。The operation measures and effect of high-resolution resistivity prospecting in gob area, Daliuta Coal Mine, are introduced in this paper.

由于地质条件的复杂性和不可预知性造成采空区上方遗弃了有可采价值的煤炭储量。Coal storages with a high value of exploitation above gob are deserted because of complexity and unpredictability of geological conditions.