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这是金融界的一大难题It's a big complication in finance.

此并发症也不多见。This complication is also infrequent.

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无效的文字是另一种复杂的情况。Invalid literals are another complication.

这是所有阶段理论的一个复杂之处。So this is a complication in any stage theory.

可能出现的一种并发症是脱垂。One complication which can arise is a prolapse.

结果本组75例老年患者中63例有合并症。Among the 75 old patients, 63 have complication.

但这问题还要复杂。But there is yet a complication to this problem.

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全组无严重副作用或并发症。There was no severe side effeCt or complication.

抑郁是卒中后的一种常见并发症。Depression is a common complication after a stroke.

无严重的手术相关并发症。No serious procedure-related complication occurred.

脱垂是一种并发症,可以发生在妇女。Prolapse is a complication that can occur in women.

“简”与“繁”是对立而统一的。Simplicity and complication are opposed and united.

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最严重的致死性并发症是暴发性结肠炎。The most le al complication is fulminating colitis.

氧中毒是氧疗的并发症。Oxygen toxicity is a complication of oxygen therapy.

最严重的致死性并发症是暴发性结肠炎。The most lethal complication is fulminating colitis.

胰瘘是胰岛素瘤手术后最常见的并发症。Pancreatic fistula was the most frequent complication.

副作用少,无严重并发症。No serious complication was found, with less side-effect.

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晚期还可能并发膀胱癌。Bladder cancer is also a possible late-stage complication.

使小次郎的年龄问题进一步复杂化的是富田势源于1590年去世。A further complication is that Toda Seigen died in the 1590s.

结论HELLP综合征是一种严重的产科并发症。Conclusion HELLP syndrome is a severe obstetric complication.