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我总是涂脚趾甲。My toes were always polished.

以千百道波浪磨亮。Polished by a thousand waves.

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保持一份光鲜的个人简历及作品履历Keep a Polished Resume &Portfolio

这个桌面能擦得很亮。This tabletop polished up nicely.

墙是磨光的白石。The walls are polished white stone.

他把古铜币擦得锃亮。He polished up the old copper coins.

山田是一个说话优雅凝炼的人。Mr. Yamada is a very polished speaker.

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都是人工精心磨制出来的。They were all finely polished by hand.

新版本更加优美和简单。A version more polished and simplified.

但每个星期都要擦油。But it needs to be polished every week.

这是一颗来自印度的经打磨后光洁的电气石。A polished tourmaline from India gleams.

他擦亮银器直到它闪烁。He polished the silver until it gleamed.

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编辑们为这篇底稿进行了润色。The editors have polished the manuscript.

“没有,没有,没有,”叔父快快活活地说。"Without doubt, " said the polished uncle.

在青春欢乐盛装的上光白石华屋中。In polished white mansion of stone, Maggie.

他竟说我们已经刨光,随时可以展露出星光。He could tell that we were already polished.

所有皮革鞋面包括一个抛光的第脚趾。All-leather upper includes a polished cap toe.

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他每天早晨都刮脸、擦鞋。Each morning he shaved and polished his shoes.

忘掉所谓的超凡魅力和精心润色的演讲吧。Forget the charisma and the polished speeches.

备有光铬,沙镍两种颜色。Polished chrome and sand nickel are available.