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你的检查彻底。The thoroughness of your examination.

及它的正确性。即彻底性。And its accuracy. Namely degree of thoroughness.

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这些形容词表示缺乏深度或彻底性。These adjectives mean lacking in depth or thoroughness.

公正是一个比准确和一丝不苟更广泛的概念。Fairness is a broader concept than accuracy or thoroughness.

在其它专栏文章中,我已经强调了文档编制和彻底性。In other columns I have emphasized documentation and thoroughness.

他带我完成了整个试用期,他的细心周全令人放心,他的耐心敬业令人敬佩。He has taken me through the trial with reassuring thoroughness and admirable patience.

我特别详细地阅读了那本书,然而我还是没有完全理解。I worked through the book with particular thoroughness and yet did not make it my own.

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罗马人典型的完全彻底精神在摧毁耶路撒冷时体现出来。With typical Roman thoroughness they utterly destroyed Jerusalem and ploughed up its site.

所以他说先前的经验对现在阅读的效率和质量有着很大的影响。"Previous experience has a tremendous impact on rate and thoroughness of learning, " he says.

您的应用程序可能会非常可怕,但是客户可能会要求您做到十分完美。Your application may be awesome, but your customer will have questions about your thoroughness.

叶状囊肉瘤预后与肿瘤的组织学分级、肿瘤大小和手术切除是否彻底有关。The prognosis of CSPB is related to histological grade, tumor size and thoroughness of excision.

我虽然见多识广,但还从未见过比她细心的人,不管职业是什么。Much as I have traveled, I have never seen anyone to equal her in thoroughness , whatever the job.

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思想不交锋,就缺乏明确性和彻底性,这个不好。Without a confrontation of ideas no clarity and thoroughness can be attained, and that's not good.

在这一次会议上,我们就在思想上交锋了,有明确性了,有彻底性了。At this session we have had confrontation, thus attaining clarity and thoroughness in our thinking.

本文还对各遍指义对动词的语义选择以及遍指范畴的扩展过程进行了探讨。It makes a investigation in its semantic selection of verb and the derivation process of thoroughness category.

它引导无产阶级去适合资产阶级的改良主义和不彻底性。This tendency would lead the proletariat to accommodate itself to bourgeois reformism and bourgeois lack of thoroughness.

马克思主义理论掌握群众的前提是保持理论的彻底性进而具有说服力。The premise that Marxist theory control the masses is to maintain the thoroughness of theory so as to have the persuasion.

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以用户的视角,设计出拥有彻底终极性和高精准度的产品及功能。Thoroughness and accuracy of design are synonymous with the product and its functions, as seen through the eyes of the user.

在西方社会的技术批判理论中,超越论者以其理论上的彻底性而倍受关注。In the theory of technology criticism of western society, transcendentalism is well known for their thoroughness in argument.

理论的彻底性是发挥马克思主义哲学世界观教育功能的思想前提。The theory thoroughness is the ideological precondition of exerting the function of Marxist philosophical world outlook education.