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奥秘在于韵律It's the rhythm.

节奏和鼓点Rhythm and beat.

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这是个纯节奏This is pure rhythm.

是哪一个呢Which rhythm am I playing?

她沉醉于韵律之中。She was besotted by rhythm.

刚才曲子的节奏是什么呢Which rhythm is in play here?

这是语言节奏造成的It's the rhythm of the language.

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我来将它的节奏记下来Let me take the rhythm out of it.

有男低音,有男高音,还有节奏声。There was bass, tenor and rhythm.

生活在你追我赶的节奏里。We are living in a rushed rhythm.

GarageBand可以修正节奏。GarageBand can now fix the rhythm.

他们为跳舞者敲出节奏。They drummed a rhythm for dancers.

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上面这条有旋律,有节奏Up here we have melody and rhythm.

挺喜欢这种装饰画,很有灵动的气息。Like the rhythm of these paintings.

要按照一定的弹力和节奏移动。Move with a bit of spring and rhythm.

会有一非同凡响的节奏悦人之耳。An unusual rhythm will soothe the ear.

他的比赛强度和对节奏性都在增长。His intensity and rhythm only increase.

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我喜欢听淅淅沥沥的雨声。I enjoy the rhythm of the falling rain.

地径生长体现慢-快-慢-停止的节律。It shown the rhythm slow-fast-slow-end.

史诗的演唱充满了丰富的音乐性和节奏感。It is rich in musical melody and rhythm.