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和你们的羊毛贸易已有所减少,迷昏药那里有。There has been a slowdown in the wool trade with you.

现在这种放缓是暂时性的还是趋势性的?And will such slowdown be temporary or become a trend?

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打开数据库时,减速是否会影响您?Does the slowdown affect you when you open the database?

这一旦触发就可能产生一次经济急剧放缓。One trigger for this could be a sharp economic slowdown.

经济衰退本身似乎又使人们对通货膨胀的惧怕心理进一步扩散开来。The slowdown appears to have defused fears of inflation.

而全球经济减速将加速这种趋势。The global economic slowdown will accelerate these trends.

其中部分下降是由全球经济减速造成的。Some of the decline stems from the global economic slowdown.

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在能源丰富的州,一些人正在为放缓的到来做好准备。Some people in energy-rich states are preparing for a slowdown.

我们乐观地认为,这将是一种暂时性的放缓.货币环境仍很有支撑性.We are optimistic that it will be kind of a mid-cycle slowdown.

不似欧美,中国的放缓是早就应该有的。In China, unlike the euro area or America, a slowdown is overdue.

为什么很多会看到经济衰退的银边?Why can many people see "silver linings" to the economic slowdown?

进入新世纪以后,邵东却出现了民营经济增速放缓的情况。In the new century, Shaodong, it was an economic slowdown in private.

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远东国家的增长也出现了严重的滑坡。Countries in the Far East are seeing a substantial slowdown in growth.

尽管经济增长放缓,印度的服装界仍有许多优势。Inspite of the slowdown the Indian apparel sector has many advantages.

中国经济减速也会给亚洲带来一些利好,尽管都是些微不足道的小利。A China slowdown would bring some benefits for Asia, albeit small ones.

这将导致对下游冶金和重机需求放缓。This will lead to the downstream metallurgy and juki slowdown in demand.

随着战争期间比赛脚步放缓,做出退出的决定就很容易了。With the wartime slowdown in tournaments, the decision to quit was easy.

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会持续到大约3点钟左右。然后会稍微冷清一会儿,until about three o'clock or so. And then we kind of slowdown of course,

如今,经过2004年和2006年两次伪警报,经济放缓来了。Now, after two false alarms in 2004 and 2006, the slowdown is at the door.

一年过去当他们会聚拉奎拉,问题不仅仅是增长的放缓。A year on as they get together at L'Aquila, and it is more than a slowdown.