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参加新奥尔良的狂欢节。Hit up Mardi Gras in New Orleans.

牛柳内的鹅肝可改用芝士代替。Cheese can be used as substitute of foie gras.

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是美国最大的嘉年华会。Mardi gras is the biggest carnival in america.

鹅肝派,白巧克力,青苹果。Foie Gras Terrine, White Chocolate, Green Apple.

接待您莅临温泉大旅店。Welcome to Hotspring Gras the well as the Hotel.

法国生产的鹅肝酱占世界总产量的75%。France makes 75 per cent of the world's foie gras.

有一年,我去新奥尔良参加狂欢节。And one year, I went to New Orleans for Mardi Gras.

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相反,是鹅肝造成了这场风波。Instead, it is foie gras that is causing the fallout.

看来鹅肝酱和松露的治疗效果非常好。The foie gras and truffle treatment worked very well.

搭配香草味的乳酪、鹅肝酱和果子干美味可口。Perfect with herbed cheeses, foie gras and dried fruits.

鹅肝,地球上最具争议的食物之一。FOIE GRAS is one of the most controversial dishes on earth.

香煎鹅肝配以栗子,菊花泡沫,白兰地石榴沙司珠。Sauteed Foie Gras and Chestnut, Tea Foam, Brandy Megranate Ball.

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在草儿的帮助下,大地显示出自己的殷勤好客。The great earth makes herself hospitable with the help of the gras.

万圣季的气氛有一点像嘉年华或忏悔星期二的狂欢节。Hallowtide had a little of the atmosphere of Carnival or Mardi Gras.

在狂欢节玻璃珠子里,这种被循环的有毒物质用作填充材料。In Mardis Gras beads, thistoxic recycled material is used as filler.

鹌鹑伴鸭润入棒筒搭香韭野菇粉卷。Quail and Foie Gras Lollipops with Leek and wild Mushroom Cannelloni.

狂欢节是一个名叫“克鲁斯”的民间组织组织和支持的。Mardi Gras is organized and supported by private groups called krewes.

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他是为他的狂欢节受欢迎般的狂欢节服饰和表演。He is popular for his carnival-like Mardi Gras costumes and performances.

鹅肝是西方最好的食物之一,仅次于鱼子酱。Second to caviar, foie gras is one of the finest western foods available.

新奥尔良主办美国最臭名昭著的四旬斋前狂欢节。New Orleans hosts the United States' most notorious Mardi Gras festivities.