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这块牛排煎得恰到好处。The doneness of the steak is very perfect.

约10分钟后,检查鱼肉熟的程度。Begin checking the fish for doneness after 10 minutes.

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使用食物温度计确定肉是否安全和已熟。A meat thermometer must be used to determine the meat\\\'s safety and doneness.

测肉温的温度计对于肉烹调的程度是最精确的指标。The meat thermometer is the most accurate guide to the degree of doneness of meat.

加入牛肉汤。每面煮5-7分钟,或达到你所希望的程度。Stir in broth. Cook for 5-7 minutes on each side or until meat reaches desired doneness.

翻个面再煎3分钟直到5成熟或是按个人喜好煎制成喜欢的熟度。Turn up to another side and fry for 3 minutes till half cooked or until desired doneness.

研究人员估计致癌物质摄入量的基础上整体肉类消费和doneness偏好。Researchers then estimated carcinogen intake based on overall meat consumption and doneness preferences.

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如果放的土豆较多,加热时间较长,在超过正常烹饪时间后,每30秒要查看一次,以免烧焦。The general rule for heating more food is to check for doneness every 30 seconds beyond the regular cooking time.

真空调理食物,或真空包装食物,是将食品用塑料真空包装而后用温度受控的温水烹调以达到期望熟度。Sous vide, or cryovacking, where food is vacuum packed in plastic and then cooked in warm, temperature-controlled water to a desired doneness

加盖闷热5分钟到熟,然后在汉堡上面涂抹乳酪加热直至乳酪融化,最后把锅中的混合汁浇在汉堡一端。Cover and cook for 5 minutes or until desired doneness. Top the burgers with the cheese and cook until the cheese is melted. Serve the burgers on the buns with the soup mixture for dipping.