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那么对剩余部分的积压将会如何处理呢?What to do with all the rest of the backlog?

任务的列表就成了所谓的代办冲刺。This list of tasks becomes the Sprint Backlog.

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新法也会使积案不再增长。The law will also stop the backlog from growing.

我们必须有能力处理积压下来的索赔单据。We must be able to reduce our backlog of claims.

产品待办事项列表中的所有待办项都是按优先级排序的。All items in the product backlog are prioritized.

许多公司现在的IT项目堆积成山。Many firms now have a huge backlog of IT projects.

C-130J机组在四天内将这批订货运送完毕。The C-130J crews cleared that backlog in four days.

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很快你会发现自己创造了一个博客素材库,有太多的东西等着你去写啦。You will quickly create a backlog of potential posts.

积压的另一个关键例子是缺陷积压问题。Another key example of backlogs is the defect backlog.

一旦某项完成了,就会从产品待办事项列表中移除它。Once an item is done, it is removed from the product backlog.

长假后攒了一堆待阅内容和信息,扫尾工作还在继续。I'm still cleaning my post-vacation backlog of feeds and messages.

长假后攒了一堆待阅内容和信息,扫尾工作还在继续。I’m still cleaning my post-vacation backlog of feeds and messages.

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小规模型需求积压最明显的优势是,它们多的不计其数。The obvious advantages of a small requirements backlog are myriad.

Zach谈到了Rally生成backlog的过程Zach spoke of the process in which Rally use to realise their backlog

识别和描述产品待办事项列表中的待办项是一个持续的过程。Discovering and describing product backlog items is an ongoing process.

这些文献都涉及怎么面对以及处理样本的检材积压。These documents all relate that how to face and address sample backlog.

这里是目前“学校中的Scrum”项目高层次的backlogHere is the current, high-level backlog for the Scrum-in-Schools project

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今天,检材积压是法医证据处理过程中存在的重要问题。Today, The backlog is a serious problem in processing forensic evidence.

士官Sullivan开始修理损坏的夜视仪。Sergeant Sullivan began work on a backlog of broken night-vision goggles.

项目待完成工作包括所有您现在没有工作的东西。The project Backlog consists of anything that you are not currently working on.