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深港要在更宽的领域、更高的层次实现优势互补。Shenzhen to more areas, a higher level of mutual complementarity.

两国经济具有很大的潜力和互补性。There is great potential and complementarity in the two economies.

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在本文中,我们根据互补性原理,建立了耗散力学。From complementarity principle we build up dissipation mechanics in this paper.

一是中欧经济的互补性奠定了坚实基础。First, economic complementarity constitutes a solid basis for China-EU business ties.

因此这两个级别的森林管理指标必须互相谐调,以有助确保在全国范围内具有互补性。Thus, they must be mutually compatible to help ensure complementarity over the country.

中韩经贸合作的最大优势是互补性强。Strong economic complementarity is our biggest asset in conducting business cooperation.

本发明涉及对聚炳烯腈纤维预氧化处理工艺的完善和补充。The invention relates to complementarity of preoxidizing craft to polyacrylonitrile fiber.

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SS同工酶之间广泛的冗余或互补的可能性进行了讨论。The possibility of extensive redundancy or complementarity among SS isozymes is discussed.

工厂之间的互辅及合作生产功能发挥到最大的极限。The complementarity between two factories play a co-production functions to the greatest limit.

第四章对求解互补问题的可微的无约束优化法作了研究。In Chapter 4, a new algorithm for the solution of nonlinear complementarity problems is developed.

两国领导人均重视发展双边关系,保持了高层经常接触和往来,两国在经济上互补性较强,互利合作进展顺利。The two countries enjoy strong complementarity in economy and smooth cooperation of mutual benefit.

方法提出了可行的光滑牛顿法求解该随机线性互补问题。Methods We propose smoothing Newton method for a class of stochastic linear complementarity problems.

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本文简要地论述了玻尔互补原理的产生与内涵、及其经推广后还包容着两种文化的统一。The paper gives a brief account of Bohrs Principle of Complementarity and its causes and connotations.

用MAOR迭代算法求解一类L-矩阵的隐线性互补问题。The MAOR iterative algorithm is used to solve an implicit linear complementarity problem with L-matrix.

提出了求解非线性互补问题的一个逐次逼近拟牛顿算法。A successive approximation quasi-Newton method for solving nonlinear complementarity problems is proposed.

字幕是电视片的重要组成部分,是电视片信息传播的重要补充。Caption is an essential part of telefilmandimportant complementarity of telefilm information transmission.

第二,中欧在高等教育和科研领域是得天独厚的合作伙伴。Second, the strong complementarity we enjoy makes China and Europe perfect partners in education cooperation.

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特别地,该算法可用于求解线性或非线性半定互补问题。In particular, the method can be used to solve both linear and nonlinear semidefinite complementarity problems.

现在是一个在校研究生,专业是变分不等式。I am a postgraduate, and my major is 'Finite-Dimensional Variational Inequalities and Complementarity Problems'.

所以在造物主的计划中,两性互补和繁衍后代,成了婚姻的固有本质。Therefore, in the Creator's plan, sexual complementarity and fruitfulness belong to the very nature of marriage.