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我们可以重新估计。We can reevaluate.

重新审视你的目标。Reevaluate your goals.

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重新评估你的动机。Reevaluate your motives.

现在是该对你的动机进行重新评估的时候了。It's time to reevaluate your motives.

不断地重新评价和改变你的方法。Constantly reevaluate and tweak your strategies.

我想我应该重新审度我以后的生活,我的心和我的灵。I do really need to reevaluate my life , my heart and my soul?

在与优先事项作对比之后,重新评估你的目标。Reevaluate your goals after comparing them with your life priorities.

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有一天,斯泰西决定对寻找如意郎君的希望进行重新评估。One day Stacy decides to reevaluate her life in the hopes of finding Mr.

这意味着所有依赖部分缓存的人,都需要重新考虑他们的设计了。This means anyone relying on partial caching needs to reevaluate their design.

对它的思想内涵及在小说史上的地位应重新评估。We should reevaluate its significance and position in the history of Chinese novels.

随着测试的深入,我们将重新评估收集的性能指标。As our testing process evolves, we may reevaluate which performance metrics we collect.

我们也许可以重新评估最初的广告计划,调整预算的分配。Perhaps we could reevaluate the initial campaign and revise the allocations of our budget.

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重新平衡操作工的作业含量,对过程流程不引起更改。Reevaluate the operation task of the operators and do not cause changes to the process flow.

这次经历逼着丹尼斯和埃克哈特重新评估交易的方方面面。The experience forced Dennis and Eckhardt to reevaluate everything they had learned about trading.

经济不景气,迫使企业在与运动员签定赞助合同时,要重新待价而沽。The economic downturn has forced companies to reevaluate their sponsorship agreements with athletes.

在稍后重新评估体系结构时,这些测试案例也是很有价值的。These test cases will also be very valuable later when it comes time to reevaluate the architecture.

但是,如果你希望遮掩令人恼火的衰老,那该是你重新调整自己的化妆习惯的时候了。But if you want to mask the pesky signs of aging, it might be time to reevaluate your makeup routine.

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一年一次,重估你的人生价值观,自问那些人生价值观是否与你现在的生活相配。Once a year, reevaluate each of your life’s values and ask yourself whether they match your life now.

随着历史的发展,我们对郁达夫作品中的性爱描写要进行再认识。As the history has been developing, we have to reevaluate on the erotic descriptions in Yu Dafu's writings.

其次,建立正确的评价标准,重新评估我国服务业的国际竞争力,并制定正确的市场准入策略。Secondly, reevaluate the service industry in China to find out which is preponderant and which is integrant.