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这部剧非常长,全本十集要演十个晚上。It is very long, spanning ten nights in ten episodes.

烧录到CD或DVD,跨越多张光碟,如果必要的。Burn to CD or DVD, spanning multiple discs if necessary.

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证明了生成子图的构造定理。The construction theorem of spanning subgraphs is proved.

一个含有生成闭迹的图称为超欧拉图。A graph is supereulerian if it has a spanning closed trail.

该研究报告观察了37个国家的总计42场危机。The study looks at 42 crises in all, spanning 37 countries.

独立桥与正在跨越多瑙河的电车。Independence Bridge, with tramway, spanning the Danube River.

局中人数目变化的最小费用支撑树对策问题。The player number decreasing minimum cost spanning tree game.

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若图G含有生成欧拉子图,则称G是超欧拉的。A graph G is supereulerian if G has a spanning eulerian subgraph.

我们称这样的生成子图T为廉价的生成子图。We call such a spanning subgraph T an economical spanning subgraph.

维格谢德尔已将足迹留在了横跨七大洲的46个国家的土地上。Wegscheider has visited 46 countries spanning all seven continents.

给出了生成子图和生成子图的计数定理。In this paper, spanning subgraphs and its counting theorem are given.

亚马逊中国为消费者提供32大类、两千多万种的产品。Offering more than 20 million items spanning 32 different categories.

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跨河施工中的圆山悬臂桥。Spanning the Keelung river, the cantilever bridge under construction.

实现了17章规定的快速生成树协议。Implement the Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol, as specified in Clause 17.

我们拥有全球性网络,跨越70多个国家以及超过13,000名员工。We operate a global network spanning 70 ries employ over 13,000 people.

政府花了两年的时间制作一座高出那座峡谷的红桥。The government spent two years building a red bridge spanning the gorge.

风云1C主体有5英尺见方,其太阳能帆板翼展为27英尺。The FY-1C had a 5-ft. -square main body with solar arrays spanning 27 ft.

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对于一个图的生成树的棵数,存在一个递推公式。There is a recursive formula for the number of spanning trees in a graph.

固本强基,持续创新,实现新跨越。The solid this strong base, innovated continually, realizes the new spanning.

多元音乐频道,播放电影,流行,古典及宗教音乐。Wide-ranging music programmes spanning from movie, pop, classical to Ghazals.