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还是喂鱼来着?Or is it fishes?

鱼和龟龟!Fishes and turtle!

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她特别喜欢吃鱼。She dotes on fishes.

我看着我的鱼儿们。Now I watched my fishes.

鱼住在海洋里。Fishes live in the ocean.

这条溪有很多鱼可钓。This stream fishes well.

两条鱼在大西洋里游着。Two fishes swim in Atlantics.

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鱼和蜥蜴向外涌动。Fishes and lizards swam forth.

许多海洋鱼类是在淡水河里产卵的。Many sea fishes spawn in rivers.

鲨鱼,鲤鱼和鳗鱼都是鱼。Shark, carp, and eel are fishes.

这些鱼是用网捞的。Those fishes were caught with nets.

你知道多少种鱼的名字?How many fishes do you know by name?

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鱼儿在网中乱窜乱跳。The fishes thrashed about in the net.

他们用网舀起一些鱼。They baled up some fishes with a net.

他在我们家附近的小河里钓鱼。He fishes in the river near our house.

在这种情况下,鱼类是团体活动的。Fishes are not alone in this situation.

他从河里已叉中五条鱼了。He has speared 5 fishes from the river.

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一些鱼种不具有,称之为「无腹鳍鱼」。Absent in some species, the apodal fishes.

吃鱼与底栖生物动物。Feeds on fishes and bottom-living animals.

这些鱼用线穿成了一串。The fishes were strung together on a cord.