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此外,英国皇家空军有一个比利时人,叫让。德塞利兹。Also in the RAF was a Belgian named Jean de Selys.

英国皇家空军111中队,在声明中说。Mark Gorringe, of the RAF s 111 Squadron, said in a statement.

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前英国皇家空军飞行员迪恩滑翔了近27.9米,夺得冠军。The winner was Dean Gunn, a former RAF pilot, flew almost 27.9 m.

皇家空军和皇家海军的鹞式战机被提前退役。The combined RAF and Royal Navy fleet of Harriers is sent to early retirement.

对撞的飞机来自林肯郡克伦威尔皇家学院空军训练部队。The planes were from the flight training school at RAF Cranwell in Lincolnshire.

对B-17和B-24轰炸机的机组人员而言,幸运的是RAF在这个问题上被证明是错误的。Fortunately for B-17 and B-24 crews the RAF were, on this occasion, proved wrong.

我同时升起一种坐飞机倒时差的感觉,就像她刚从英国皇家空军的莱纳姆基地把我接回来。I was also feeling rather jet-lagged. She had just collected me from RAF Lyneham.

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他在请求中表达了一名皇家空军中校的担忧。The requests revealed internal concern about the loss from an RAF wing commander.

这六架“旋风”飞机来自苏格兰的英国皇家空军卢赫斯的111中队。The six Tornado aircraft are from 111 Squadron based at RAF Leuchars in Scotland.

由于威廉王子所服役的英国皇家空军搜索与救援直升机小组当值,故未参加当天的婚礼彩排。William, an RAF search and rescue helicopter pilot, did not attend as he was on duty.

1918年年底,他与妻子桃乐茜结婚,几个月之后,也就是1919年4月,他们离开了RAF。He married his wife, Dorothy, in late 1918 and left the RAF a few months later, in April 1919.

曼威斯山英国皇家空军是英国一个和美国埃施朗全球谍报网相勾连的军事基地。RAF Menwith Hill is a British military base with connections to the global ECHELON spy network.

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英国皇家空军派出一个炸弹拆除小组,让他们用降落伞跳入海中,我们再用救生艇把他们接上船。The RAF flew a bomb squad out , parachuted them into the ocean and we picked them up in lifeboats.

英国皇家空军曾经在缅甸战役中对抗过零式战斗机,并且曾经还向步兵供应物资。The RAF also saw action in the Burma campaign against the Zeros, and also dropping supplies to the infantry.

抑制RAF二聚物因此可能阻止其激活,从而阻止癌细胞的生长。Inhibiting the dimerization of RAF may therefore block its activation, thus stopping cancer cells from growing.

利比亚让英国皇家空军暂时喘了口气,但是看不出在哪里还能再讨到这样的便宜。Libyahas given the RAF a temporary lifeline, although it is hard to see where it would get such an easy ride again.

其他的中队也同样遭受了巨大的损失,但平均每个RAF飞行员在被击落前都可以拉两架德国飞机坐垫背的。Other squadrons suffered heavy losses too but the RAF pilots were destroying two German planes for every British loss.

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解放油罐车被选为最佳英国场地准备波尼维尔咸,因为它是非常平坦的。RAF Wittering was selected as the best UK venue for preparing for the Bonneville Salt Flats as it is exceptionally flat.

他们遭到了皇家空军100架兰开斯特重型轰炸机的轰炸,直到午后才开始向前推进。An attack by 100 RAF Lancaster bombers played havoc with its attack and it did not roll forward until the early afternoon.

截止到德国空军停止空袭并且取消了入侵英国的计划时,RAF共损失了544名飞行员。But by the time the Luftwaffe called off its assault and the invasion of Britain was cancelled, the RAF had lost 544 pilots.